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Car Taxation Rates

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  • Car Taxation Rates

    Sorry but here i go again. I know that my last post caused a stir, but i have at last got an answer from DVLA i think. See What you lot reckon.
    My car was imported into the United Kingdom from Japan and registered on 8th April 2008 .
    The Cancellation Certificate of Registration shows the car to have been previously registered in Japan from 1998 until 2005, this been shown on the current UK registration Certificate and the issue of a 1998 registration number.

    The car has been placed in Vehicle Excise Duty Band “G” and I paid £220 for six months tax.

    I have contacted DVLA by phone on a number of ocrscassions with reference to this ,but was unable to get the issue resolved. I then visited the local DVLA office in Bristol who dispite being helpful again seemed unsure . I was asked to leave the documents with them and they would look into the issue. Within an hour of leaving the office I received a phone call from the young lady I had seen infoming me that the tax was correct. I asked her what the reasons were but all she said was her manager had told her.

    I am still in the situation were I have a car that DVLA agree was first registered in 1998 and to Quote the HM Treasury budget report 2008

    Pre-graduated VED ( registered before March 2001)
    Above 1549cc New rate £185

    Graduated VED (For private vehicles registered from March 2001)
    Group G £400
    * For new cars registered from 23rd March 2006

    I contacted DVLA prior to purchaising this car and was told that due to its age it would be £185 per year to tax.. I have also been provided with an e-mail from DVLA confirming that fact A copy of which I attach.

    Sent: 18/05/2007 10:41:20
    To: <drivers.dvla@gtnet.gov.uk>
    Subject: Car tax rates

    Would you please just clarify for me, that in the case of an imported car, the rate of road fund tax payable is based on the year the car was manufactured, not the year of import?

    Am I also correct in thinking this is due to the unavailability of emissions data from vehicles manufactured prior to March 2001?



    Thank you for your email.

    You are correct when you say that the road tax of an imported vehicle is worked on its date of manufacture.

    If the vehicle was first registered before 1/3/01 it would be worked out on the basis of the engine size. But it it was registered abroad after that date the road tax would be worked out on the basis of its CO2 emissions. This is because the CO2 figures should be available for any vehicle which was first registered either on or after that date.

    I hope that this information has clarified matters for you.


    David S Evans

    My car was SVA tested using a report from 2005 which gave an Emission figure, but this was not provided from Toyota when new.

    To sum up can you please provide me with the reasons that have resulted in my car being placed in this taxation class and if “Policy” has changed please provide me with a copy of that policy. I at present seem to own a car that you agree was reg in 1998 but is counted as new in 2008 and no one at DVLA will tell me why. I await you prompt reply.

  • #2
    DVLA Answer

    As you are aware your vehicle was imported into the United Kingdom on 08April 2008 from Japan. I am sorry but vehicle imported from outside the European union the date of registration is recorded as the date of registration in the United Kingdom. Only vehicle registered and imported from within the European are able to record the date of registration from abroad on our records.
    The date of manufacture is shown on our records as 31st December 1998. Referring to the taxation duty of your vehicle the higher rate of duty is payable as the date of registration in this country is April 2008,as explained above only vehicle registered within the European union can use the date of 1st registered from abroad in this country.
    I am sorry to give you such a disappointig reply,but i trust that i have explained the agency's postion and protocol to you.

    Yours sincerely
    James Hayes
    Vehicle Customer Services.

    The Grammer and letter as exactly as recieved.I'm even more confused than before.


    • #3
      that makes no sense atall


      • #4
        what sort of retards do we have running this country's agencies...thats a bl00dy disgrace...get on to the media mate, let them loose with it.
        Non intercooled nothing.


        • #5
          Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
          what sort of retards do we have running this country's agencies...thats a bl00dy disgrace...get on to the media mate, let them loose with it.
          i agree with this, the sun for one would like this sort of story,especially about a vehicle that has two birthdays,well the dvla say it was made twice. also there appears to be some discrimination there between european made cars and asian made cars.


          • #6
            I doubt that James Hayes is running anything, but its still shocking to think that something so badly written and constructed could be allowed to escape from a government agency. hes well short of a few indefinite articles, commas and other punctuationy stuff and gpz, its grammAr not grammEr.

            Last edited by Bogus; 5 September 2008, 21:33. Reason: Not telling
            Сви можемо


            • #7
              I think I would be writing to What Car? to see what they have to say.

              How can they say in one email that tax will be £185 and then in the next tell you its band G? That could be the deciding factor when buying a car - ring DVLA to confirm taxation, do a deal then end up in the most expensive tax class which leaves you with a vehicle that is it even more unsellable in todays market!

              I take it you are the first owner in this country since import? Did the garage you bought from give you any idea of the tax?
              Ebay search item 230357761354 !


              • #8
                tax issue

                cannot see where they get that from, mine was imported 1n 2005 and is normal taxation band as i suppose most of the lads trucks are, i agree with dodgy surfer let the media loose on the dvla, would be brill to see the nerds squirm,
                hope it gets sorted
                15 years in shiny club, lovely


                • #9
                  Most govt departments seem to be so weighed down by internal beaurocracy that they would be unable to do the job if they employed a million rocket scientists. Unfortunately, they only seem to employ retarded halfwits.
                  Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                  • #10
                    Glad to see you are as shocked as i am at their reply. The object of my letter was to get a copy of the policy they are using. The 2008 buget report states that "NEW" cars reg after April 2006 will be placed in tax band G. DVLA accept that my surf was reg in Japan in 1998 but still seem to class it as "new" in 2008!! The European thing is a new one they have thrown in.
                    I still have'nt managed to find out what the actual policy is, it seems to be secret.
                    I think this is a very important issue for all us Surf owners as it seems DVLA make up the rules ( opps POLICY) as they go along. What will they change next!!
                    Last edited by gpz1100; 6 September 2008, 13:39.


                    • #11
                      I've recently sold my 2002 hilux and bought a 96 3rd gen to avoid the higher tax. Have I cocked up and still gonna get stuffed for the higher tax? Anyone else been charged the higher rate?


                      • #12
                        you wanna get in touch with these as well, i would!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                          I doubt that James Hayes is running anything, but its still shocking to think that something so badly written and constructed could be allowed to escape from a government agency. hes well short of a few indefinite articles, commas and other punctuationy stuff and gpz, its grammAr not grammEr.

                          Bogus, surely you mean it's and He's, not its and hes?
                          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                            Bogus, surely you mean it's and He's, not its and hes?
                            Indeed I do, but I miss out all apostrophes as Im ( see, done it again ) not clever enough to get the comma at the top where it should be. It is ( being careful to avoid them now) not because I am unaware of the need for them. I feel that with young James at the DVLA, he is a bit thick in general. I,m ( I can do it that way but it looks daft ) just a bit keyboard, typing thick I mean its not as -----------------------------Ach Stuff it

                            Сви можемо


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                              Indeed I do, but I miss out all apostrophes as Im ( see, done it again ) not clever enough to get the comma at the top where it should be. It is ( being careful to avoid them now) not because I am unaware of the need for them. I feel that with young James at the DVLA, he is a bit thick in general. I,m ( I can do it that way but it looks daft ) just a bit keyboard, typing thick I mean its not as -----------------------------Ach Stuff it

                              s.p.;l,e,n'd;d s,t;u:f,f
                              Non intercooled nothing.

