If you were no at the best weekend of your life you will not know about the riddle this week it is a quiz of riddles and there are eighteen so have a go!!!!!!
What unusual property do the words FLOUR,TERN and THIRSTY have in common?
Which word in the English language is most frequently spelled wrong?
Rearrange the letters in " owonder " to make one word.
What falls but never breaks ?
What breaks but never falls ?
The more you have of it the less you see. What is it?
Forwards I am heavy,but backwards i am not. What am I ?
I know a word of three.Add one letter to it and none there will be.What is the word ?
What is it that has four legs, one head and a foot ?
What's the longest word in the dictionary ?
On that same order ,what seven letter word in the English language contains ten other words without rearranging any of it's letters.
Pronounced as one letter but written as three,two different letters there are and two only in me.I'm double, i'm single, i'm black, blue and grey.I'm read from both ends and the same either way.
What has no contact ,yet you can see it ?
What is bigger when new and grows smaller with use?
The more you have of it the less you see . What is it ?
A girl is twice as old as her brother half as old as her father . In 22 years her brother will be half as old as his father. How old is the daughter now?
What spanish instrument's familiar name and fisherman's occuption are the same ?
One word in this sentence is misspelled. What is the word ?
If you would like to try and be my star please send laurasnuts a pm telling me the answer and on Sunday I will put the answer on the forum and your score if you had a sheet when we were away and never gave me it send me the answers on a pm otherewise if you got a sheet at the best weekend of your life and were in a partner and you become my star(s you will both be my star of the week GOOD LUCK TO ALL WHO ENTER!!!!!!

What unusual property do the words FLOUR,TERN and THIRSTY have in common?
Which word in the English language is most frequently spelled wrong?
Rearrange the letters in " owonder " to make one word.
What falls but never breaks ?
What breaks but never falls ?
The more you have of it the less you see. What is it?
Forwards I am heavy,but backwards i am not. What am I ?
I know a word of three.Add one letter to it and none there will be.What is the word ?
What is it that has four legs, one head and a foot ?
What's the longest word in the dictionary ?
On that same order ,what seven letter word in the English language contains ten other words without rearranging any of it's letters.
Pronounced as one letter but written as three,two different letters there are and two only in me.I'm double, i'm single, i'm black, blue and grey.I'm read from both ends and the same either way.
What has no contact ,yet you can see it ?
What is bigger when new and grows smaller with use?
The more you have of it the less you see . What is it ?
A girl is twice as old as her brother half as old as her father . In 22 years her brother will be half as old as his father. How old is the daughter now?
What spanish instrument's familiar name and fisherman's occuption are the same ?
One word in this sentence is misspelled. What is the word ?
If you would like to try and be my star please send laurasnuts a pm telling me the answer and on Sunday I will put the answer on the forum and your score if you had a sheet when we were away and never gave me it send me the answers on a pm otherewise if you got a sheet at the best weekend of your life and were in a partner and you become my star(s you will both be my star of the week GOOD LUCK TO ALL WHO ENTER!!!!!!
