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PC Gurus?????????

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  • PC Gurus?????????

    Any PC engineers out there tonight?
    I have on my desk a Mesh pc thats a few years old, belongs to my sister, she says it was "Playing Up" for a while, now it refuses to boot up at all.
    First i checked the fuse and the power lead, both ok!
    So........... i have a couple of old pc's in the loft, just wondering, should i try replacing the on/off switch, at the front,first or just go straight for the PSU (providing one of mine is compatable of course)

    All help gratefully received guys
    www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk

  • #2
    PSU alan, it's the most likely source of your problems.

    If you got one handy you can get it swapped and the beast up and running in 1/2 hour

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      I concur with the man above


      • #4
        I take it the monitor works ok....just heard that too many times, and been called out to Southend from Hungerford on a Friday night to replace a monitor that just wasn't plugged in....

        Check for any new USB devices and make sure none are plugged in
        Check the PSU
        Hard drives
        CPU may have got too hot
        Check the graphics card is OK (if on board, it's not likely to be that)

        It may be that the PSU is full of dust, just give it a good clean up by blowing through the vents and have another go - but if you have one that will fit, swap that first...
        Too old to care, young enough to remember


        • #5
          Cheers folks, i'll have a look at the three in the loft tomorow after work and see if any have the same rated PSU.

          www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk

