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****ehawk repellant!!

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  • ****ehawk repellant!!

    One of the drawbacks of living by the sea is seagulls crapping all over your surf exactly 15 mins after you have spent ages getting it looking great. When i had my L**drover i didn`t care how much it got dumped on, just used to use the power washer every month or two. Now i have the surf, i want to keep it looking good, after all, it is the kind of motor you want to keep nice. The only ideas i`ve had so far are:-

    (1) A bazooka.
    (2) Having a grizzly bear as a pet and keeping it on the drive.
    (3) Making the other half stand by the truck to frighten off the birds. (Sorry babe - only serious!)

    Any other ideas would be most welcome.

    God bless gaffer tape and mastic!

  • #2
    Originally posted by whitehawk
    One of the drawbacks of living by the sea is seagulls crapping all over your surf exactly 15 mins after you have spent ages getting it looking great. When i had my L**drover i didn`t care how much it got dumped on, just used to use the power washer every month or two. Now i have the surf, i want to keep it looking good, after all, it is the kind of motor you want to keep nice. The only ideas i`ve had so far are:-

    (1) A bazooka.
    (2) Having a grizzly bear as a pet and keeping it on the drive.
    (3) Making the other half stand by the truck to frighten off the birds. (Sorry babe - only serious!)

    Any other ideas would be most welcome.

    Have you considered moving, it is a very nice car afterall......


    • #3
      Originally posted by whitehawk
      One of the drawbacks of living by the sea is seagulls crapping all over your surf exactly 15 mins after you have spent ages getting it looking great. When i had my L**drover i didn`t care how much it got dumped on, just used to use the power washer every month or two. Now i have the surf, i want to keep it looking good, after all, it is the kind of motor you want to keep nice. The only ideas i`ve had so far are:-

      (1) A bazooka.
      (2) Having a grizzly bear as a pet and keeping it on the drive.
      (3) Making the other half stand by the truck to frighten off the birds. (Sorry babe - only serious!)

      Any other ideas would be most welcome.

      AS I used to work at the pleasure beach it happens that I know how the locals at B.pool get rid of pesky seagulls. (ask Kazam401, If he grew up on the front he would know).
      Bread, rolled into small balls with bicarb of soda in the middle reduces's the problem of seagulls!

      I should put a disclaimer here but as seagulls are vermin as are pigions, what the heck.

      If it smells like fish, eat it!


      • #4
        Originally posted by whitehawk
        One of the drawbacks of living by the sea is seagulls crapping all over your surf exactly 15 mins after you have spent ages getting it looking great. When i had my L**drover i didn`t care how much it got dumped on, just used to use the power washer every month or two. Now i have the surf, i want to keep it looking good, after all, it is the kind of motor you want to keep nice. The only ideas i`ve had so far are:-

        (1) A bazooka.
        (2) Having a grizzly bear as a pet and keeping it on the drive.
        (3) Making the other half stand by the truck to frighten off the birds. (Sorry babe - only serious!)

        Any other ideas would be most welcome.

        You could follow the example of Weymouth Harbour...

        They have installed large PA speakers, on poles around the marina, playing the calls of some large bird of prey... which the seagulls sit on!!!

        It works really well... as long as the gulls are perched on the speakers, they're not crapping on the boats!
        Never argue with an idiot... they drag you down to their level - then beat you with experience!!


        • #5
          as a fella called carrot once said.............
          "there's only one way to get rid of a mole......blow it's bl00dy head off"

          if it works on moles it must work on sh1tehawks too (but then again moles don't drop their guts all over yer pride and joy...!!)
          i live less than a mile from the severn estuary and while there aren't many of the feathered muck spreaders around, they seem to use my surf for target practice..... if only they were as acurate as the US airforce........ (they'd probably hit the wife's legauna)........

          see ya'll


          • #6
            blimey...............excuse the smelling p1sstakes, the coffee's not working yet. maybe i should buy the good lady a BMW......!!!

            see ya'll


            • #7
              Originally posted by Fish
              AS I used to work at the pleasure beach it happens that I know how the locals at B.pool get rid of pesky seagulls. (ask Kazam401, If he grew up on the front he would know).
              Bread, rolled into small balls with bicarb of soda in the middle reduces's the problem of seagulls!

              I should put a disclaimer here but as seagulls are vermin as are pigions, what the heck.

              Seagulls exploding all over the car? Yes!
              It's only a hobby!


              • #8
                Like some of the suggestions, especially the bread and bicarb. When i was in the navy we used a variation of this - brasso instead of bicarb. Same end result and mess. The answer probably is not to be such a lazy b****rd and put the truck in the garage, it nearly always happens overnight.

                God bless gaffer tape and mastic!


                • #9
                  A cure is at hand

                  Here you go - Gull defence

                  Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !

