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Yay..1st road trip blew the head!

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  • Yay..1st road trip blew the head!

    May have been a minor head issue previous but the hills and the heat did my 92 Land Cruiser in.Busted radiator head hooped.$850.00 tow bill to get back home and lookin at another $2000.00 plus to get a new head fix the rad and get some mechanic buddies to do the work.How do people in Japan drive these things? I didn't push the thing hard at all.The Prado Land Cruiser has the same 2.4 litre diesel the surf has.Needless to say it's been a rough couple of days...Oh well...shit happens.

  • #2
    Another one bites the dust, seems Mr Toyota put a flawed engine in a very good truck.
    Hope you get back on the road soon.

    yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


    • #3
      Originally posted by able_walker View Post
      How do people in Japan drive these things?
      They don't bother looking after them and, when they break, they do a temporary fix to hide the problem, then sell them to us.


      • #4
        Thanks guys...The truck is nice.Has a deep british racing green paint job.Not a scratch,no rust.Didn't have any issues for months but was weary about taking it on a long road trip.Did about 700 km(the temp gauge was peaking and coming back down the whole time) Three guys,golf clubs.On the way back home and then POOF! Hope it didn't do any permanent engine damage.It just screws up your whole routine,now i gotta take friggin public transit for god knows how long.What doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger right?


        • #5
          I presume you checked the coolant level before you left? It sounds like you were low or had some air in there somehow....Although I suppose you could have been fully loaded and going up and down mountains? I did mine that way, although it was actually caused by a dodgy water pump/crankshaft pulley.


          • #6
            In retrospect I should of had some spare coolant with me.I put a high end aftermarket waterless coolant in the system and didn't think to just add water.It seemed fine but I maybe could have done things differently.


            • #7
              tough luck dude, but think of all the chicks you'll meet on public transport (glass half full and all that)

