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thinking of going for a little drive

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  • thinking of going for a little drive

    Me and my brother a few friends are thinking about raising money for our local scout group and cancer reserch, by going for a drive from the uk to south africa or even its been metioned about going around the world.
    Has anyone done anything like this? and where's the best place to go to get my surf sorted for this little trip.
    My brothers friends did the mongolia rally last year so they kind of know what we are up aganst.
    any help would be appreciated to get the ball rolling.



  • #2


    • #3
      Awesome idea. If you've got the time and the money (cos it sure as hell wont be cheap!) go for it!

      I'd love to do it, but sadly I have a mortgage and an expensive wife to support... or is that expensive mortgage and a wife...
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #4
        Sounds great

        If you are fundraising, its always worth looking to anyone you know who works for a large company. have a look at their charity policies and see if they have a match giving policy - basically this means that if any of their staff raise any money for charity they will donate and equal amount. So you get double the money.

        Of course, some unscrupulous people may think that they could do some fundraising and ask their nice friend at the company to 'donate' this money from themselves so getting the match giving on all the money they have raised.
        I would never suggest such a thing


        • #5
          do a LOT of research,put the mods on the back burner for now and research your route.overland to africa is probably more feasible than round the world. the issue is mostly siberia, pretty much impassable during the winter,and nigh on impossible for the rest of the year (look up the yakutsk highway).its gonna cost a FORTUNE.........but hope it comes off for you,good luck.
          Non intercooled nothing.


          • #6
            I was thinking of doing the same thing. I am currently thinking about going early in 2010, this way I'll be in South Africa in time for the Wrold Cup.

            Bundubasher is considering making the same trip so if you want to make a convoy (especially useful through northern/central africa for safety) check out is website. Its also full of tips on what mods are useful/vital for the surf/4runner.


