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Sikaflex ?

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  • Sikaflex ?

    Gday Guys,

    I am building a set of drawers for the back of the hilux & cruiser ute out of 3/4" marine ply.

    Around the exterior edges I want to put right angle aluminium lengths to protect & enhance the look of the drawers.

    I was going to screw the ali to the exterior but a mate suggested I use a Sikaflex product.

    Im a bit concerned that If I sikaflex the ali it may rattle loose, as I do quite a bit of long distant driving on dirt corrugated roads and live in a nasty part of the world that has a daily average temperature of 30 to 40+ celcius

    Any body have any experience with this product?
    Or suggestions?

    Cheers Matt
    Harden the Fuk Up Princess

  • #2
    Sikaflex is good stuff but messy. Contact adhesive would be better.


    • #3
      I'd screw them on unless cosmetic appearance really is your primary concern. Contact adhesive is good. Screws are better. A combination of both is best.


      • #4
        sikaflex is industry 'no more nails'. If it's just to bond edges and no structural then it will more than suffice if you prep surfaces with some decent surface activator first.

        yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


        • #5
          Any chance of a permanent house swap, its peed down here for the last five weeks has been pretty cold at times 10 celsius but at least we have tarmac roads, even if they are full of bl**dy potholes. H

          PS. Never heard of sikaflex.


          • #6
            i'd go for one with a witty name...

            there's loads about... "sticks like shit" is a good one!!

            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


            • #7
              Cheers Guys for the input
              Harden the Fuk Up Princess

