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Wayfinder For Offroad Routes / Green Lanes.

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  • Wayfinder For Offroad Routes / Green Lanes.

    I was going to join GLASS, as previously mentioned in my other thread, so that I could find some local off road routes using Wayfinder. I followed the CRAG link posted by Mudsurfer and found out that you can use Wayfinder for free. I will of course make a donation if I find it useful, which it seems to be given the quick browse I've just had came up with a few good looking, fairly local, green lanes.

    I will be giving the routes a try over the next few weekends and let you know how I get on.

    I may still join GLASS of course, as it looks to be a worthy cause for the preservation of green lanes etc which seem to be disappearing at an alarming rate.

    Does anyone else here use Wayfinder?
    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!

  • #2
    I used to, when it was free, it stopped accepting my log in details though, so i read through the site and figured you had to pay for it now? I take it you can still get in via crag or something then?
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      Originally posted by Scorpion View Post
      I was going to join GLASS, as previously mentioned in my other thread, so that I could find some local off road routes using Wayfinder. I followed the CRAG link posted by Mudsurfer and found out that you can use Wayfinder for free. I will of course make a donation if I find it useful, which it seems to be given the quick browse I've just had came up with a few good looking, fairly local, green lanes.

      I will be giving the routes a try over the next few weekends and let you know how I get on.

      I may still join GLASS of course, as it looks to be a worthy cause for the preservation of green lanes etc which seem to be disappearing at an alarming rate.

      Does anyone else here use Wayfinder?
      Why not join CRAG???
      Too old to care, young enough to remember

