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Virus Alert!

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  • Virus Alert!

    Some ASSHOLE has tried to wipe my hard drive by infecting my machine with the "Deltree Trojan" virus,luckily they failed(BIG UP YOURS TO WHOEVER)I would advise anyone with anti virus software to update your virus definitions and run a scan.I don't know where this virus came from,but it is currently under investigation.
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  • #2
    Whatever way the virus's are spreading it seems very widespread. I get them regularly in attachments on mails from addresses Ive never seen before. I think they get into outlook somehow and send themselves on.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Cmar
      Whatever way the virus's are spreading it seems very widespread. I get them regularly in attachments on mails from addresses Ive never seen before. I think they get into outlook somehow and send themselves on.
      I never use outlook express,all my email is web based,I never open attatchments.This virus attatched itself to the DELETE.BAT fIle which apparantly shouldn't be there anyway.I think it may have been looking for the AUTOEXEC.BAT file,that would have been disaster.Maybe it came through Kazaa?
      Last edited by RobD; 22 September 2003, 13:44.
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      • #4
        I use anti virus protection, but also use a mailwasher.
        This downloads the headers only and gives you the choice of download or delete from server.
        It also allows you to build up your own blacklists and bounce emails back to sender making it appear like a non existant account.
        The programme is free to try for a month then if you get on with it its reasonable $29 to buy..


        Amazing the viruses and spam it stops

        I never ever apologise for anything. http://www.onestopshopformultimedia.com/smile.gif If you dont like it I am sorry but thats the way I am


        • #5
          Originally posted by hormygollop
          This downloads the headers only and gives you the choice of download or delete from server.


          Amazing the viruses and spam it stops

          Have to agree, mailwasher is a great piece of kit, have been using this myself now for about 2 months, and I'm certainly going to pay the registration fee.

          Kazzaa was also mentioned above, this is one of the most notorious file sharing apps around. It is constantantly responsible for the spread of virus's, trojans etc. It is also laden with spyware, and for a non-microsponge product, amazing bloated. In short...
          DO NOT USE KAZAA

          If anybody wants to use a file sharing utility, I cannot reccomend WinMx highly enough, guaranteed not to contain spyware, small footprint, huge userbase, fast transfers, what more can u ask for. www.winmx.com

          No matter what apps you use the most important thing is of course to use a good anti-virus program, run it regularly, use auto-protect / always on modes where possible and always remember you must update your virus signiture files regularly. If you only pay for one piece of software/subcription on your pc, make it a quality anti-virus package.
          Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


          • #6
            agree with all the above info, including don't use Kazaa, its notorious.....and back up all your needed things and do a complete format to clean the system and have a fresh start

            Also on Kazaa, record companies are using the idea, if ya can't beat 'em join 'em. They file share records but only play about the first 20-30 secs, the rest is gobbledey gook after that, cos most people begin the download, listen to the first 10 secs or so, makeing sure they've got the right track and then continue the download, but ya downloading hiss, scratch.....rubbish basically.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Morr
              Have to agree, mailwasher is a great piece of kit, have been using this myself now for about 2 months, and I'm certainly going to pay the registration fee.

              Kazzaa was also mentioned above, this is one of the most notorious file sharing apps around. It is constantantly responsible for the spread of virus's, trojans etc. It is also laden with spyware, and for a non-microsponge product, amazing bloated. In short...
              DO NOT USE KAZAA

              If anybody wants to use a file sharing utility, I cannot reccomend WinMx highly enough, guaranteed not to contain spyware, small footprint, huge userbase, fast transfers, what more can u ask for. www.winmx.com

              No matter what apps you use the most important thing is of course to use a good anti-virus program, run it regularly, use auto-protect / always on modes where possible and always remember you must update your virus signiture files regularly. If you only pay for one piece of software/subcription on your pc, make it a quality anti-virus package.
              Yeah Morr,I already use WinMX as well as Kazaa(which I'm gonna uninstall as soon as I log off!thanks for the advice)I use Norton Antivirus which for some strange reason won't allow Live Update to recognise an internet connection(maybe another virus?)I may purchase the latest Norton Utillities package as my set up is over 5 years old,I also use Zone Alarm and Adaware,I thought I was well covered,obviously not.

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              • #8
                Just try a total shut down and restart to get liveupdate working again, works for me, or uninstall/install and you'll get the years free liveupdate again from the date you start the new install


                • #9
                  A good program for looking at your emails is Mailwasher. This allows you to even read the text of the email on the ISP and the delete it from there.. Its a freebie for one account but you can register it and have multipul accounts on it...

                  Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


                  • #10
                    Yep,can certainly recommend Mailwasher, had the freebie for a month, so good i took the plunge & forked out for the Pro version, god it cost me all of £ 15, but the best money i've spent.
                    Great tool blacklist, bounce, delete etc.

                    Great buy, get it guys & galls.

                    Sewerat Bob
                    [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=2][B]SEWERAT BOB[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]

                    [SIZE=3][COLOR=SeaGreen][I][COLOR=Lime][B]I just sit here & looks out to sea or if i'm really rushed then i just sits here & continues to look out to sea[/B][/COLOR][/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]


                    • #11
                      The only problem is that it doesn't bounce all of the crap that I get , if you enable the show errors digest , it say's that it couldn't bounce them , well not on the trial version .


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by andy
                        The only problem is that it doesn't bounce all of the crap that I get , if you enable the show errors digest , it say's that it couldn't bounce them , well not on the trial version .
                        This could well be due to the email headers contained within the spam, these contain erronous information and fake addresses, to help prevent tracing, stop them from recieving bounces etc etc.
                        Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu

