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Ruddy City Link

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  • Ruddy City Link

    Sledge had a nice surprise today when city link delivered what was meant to be a turbo and it turned out to be a cheque for nearly .£700
    City link collected the turbo from me at work yesterday and it was on premium next day delivery.I put a printed address label on the box aswell before it was collected.By the time the parcel left the depot the label had been changed and was sent to Dorset instead to a computer place and the cheque ws sent to Neil.So needless to say i will be putting in a claim for late delivery and sending a right shitty letter to City Link about it aswell

  • #2
    id have been happy if i got a £700 cheque.. well, provided it was written out to me!


    • #3
      Fecking Hell, First my alternator (which is now yours again) and now this. I reckon it is the numpties up our end. Might buy myself a van and just deliver surf bits for you guys. At least you know they would turn up!
      Yippee-Kay-Ay, Melon Farmer.


      • #4
        If theyve lost it you will only get a few pence back & not the full value Hopefuly it will turn up tomorrow. What the Consignement no i will have a look tomorrow & give them a rollocking for you
        Attached Files


        • #5
          I rang the guy up from Truro who sent the cheque and i have spoken to the company he sent the cheque to also and they are putting in a complaint about it.
          I contacted parcel2go aswell and they are going to be talking to city link and i also won't be letting this go either as its a mistake that should not of happened in the first place.Neils name and address was on the parcel so why the hell they address labels were changed i don't know.If i don't have any joy then i'll give you a shout Mark


          • #6
            Richard they ain't called $h1tty L1nk for nothin !!!!
            But hey there all as bad as one another FCUKing imbisiles ...........

            There's always a Payback .... Ya just never ever see it Comin !!!!
            Buncefield Burner


            • #7
              had the same kinda problem with city link a few weeks back,they had lost a parcel that i had sent to scotland for one of the lads up there.feckin idiots.still waiting for compensation.


              • #8
                atleast he got sumthin


                • #9
                  it would of been alright if the cheque had my name on it could of gone and bought another surf lmao

