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another Q.

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  • another Q.

    hi again peeps,been searching for answer but no luck as yet...i have a 2.4td,j-reg..ssr-g..thing is looking at pics posted in 4wd section cannot find diagram of my controls..am in process of ordering manual (max's) ,so in mean time can any body give me tip for now..on my 4wd lever i have L4-N-H..and on side button 4WD..is having the lever in H safe for gear box?is N neutral and can be driven in neutral mode with better fuel economy...sorry guys and gals but have loved the surf for a while and now i have one dont want to damage her..as u all prob guessed not too big on motors( mechanical or tech ) so until my manual arrives mayb asking the odd question..or 2!

    thx again..reefer.

  • #2
    Originally posted by reefer
    hi again peeps,been searching for answer but no luck as yet...i have a 2.4td,j-reg..ssr-g..thing is looking at pics posted in 4wd section cannot find diagram of my controls..am in process of ordering manual (max's) ,so in mean time can any body give me tip for now..on my 4wd lever i have L4-N-H..and on side button 4WD..is having the lever in H safe for gear box?is N neutral and can be driven in neutral mode with better fuel economy...sorry guys and gals but have loved the surf for a while and now i have one dont want to damage her..as u all prob guessed not too big on motors( mechanical or tech ) so until my manual arrives mayb asking the odd question..or 2!

    thx again..reefer.
    No problem m8 always ask if in doubt.
    Only select 4H if you are driving on a loose surface, ie snow, mud, stoney ground etc.

    Drive on the road in N for normal 2 wheel drive.

    Only use 4L for difficult terrain or towing off road.

    Good site to read for explaining how it all works is here

    If it smells like fish, eat it!


    • #3
      Originally posted by reefer
      hi again peeps,been searching for answer but no luck as yet...i have a 2.4td,j-reg..ssr-g..thing is looking at pics posted in 4wd section cannot find diagram of my controls..am in process of ordering manual (max's) ,so in mean time can any body give me tip for now..on my 4wd lever i have L4-N-H..and on side button 4WD..is having the lever in H safe for gear box?is N neutral and can be driven in neutral mode with better fuel economy...sorry guys and gals but have loved the surf for a while and now i have one dont want to damage her..as u all prob guessed not too big on motors( mechanical or tech ) so until my manual arrives mayb asking the odd question..or 2!

      thx again..reefer.
      First things first, do not use 4wd whilst on a hard surface such as tarmac, doing so will result in damage to your transmission, 4wd must only be used whilst on loose/slippery surfaces.

      Pressing the side button engages/disengages 4wd, this can be done at speeds up to 100kph

      Keep the lever in H for normal 2wd use, moving the lever thru N to L4 will engage 4wd (regardless of selection on button) and engage low ratio gearing, this should only be used in conditions of severe mud etc.
      Last edited by Morr; 11 April 2004, 18:45.
      Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


      • #4
        Originally posted by Fish
        No problem m8 always ask if in doubt.
        Only select 4H if you are driving on a loose surface, ie snow, mud, stoney ground etc.

        Drive on the road in N for normal 2 wheel drive.
        Only use 4L for difficult terrain or towing off road.

        Good site to read for explaining how it all works is here

        N is the Neutral between high and low ratios, it is not "normal 2 wheel drive"
        Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


        • #5
          Originally posted by Morr
          Pressing the side button engages/disengages 4wd, this can be done at speeds up to 60kph

          Driving on motorway on sat morn doing about 65mph and my youngest son sat in the front asked what is this lever for and put his hand on the 4wd lever pressing in the button and as smooth as can be 4wd engaged without any problem, I slowed down and knocked it out of 4wd but all is fine.

          V Lucky

          If it smells like fish, eat it!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Fish
            Driving on motorway on sat morn doing about 65mph and my youngest son sat in the front asked what is this lever for and put his hand on the 4wd lever pressing in the button and as smooth as can be 4wd engaged without any problem, I slowed down and knocked it out of 4wd but all is fine.

            V Lucky

            Actually, i should have said 100kph or approx 60mph, better correct it.

            Engaging 4wd in a straight line is actually ok, the problems occur when you turn, as the system does not have a centre differential (on 1st and 2nd Gen models) turning will cause the front and rear axles to travel differing amounts, this causes transmission wind up, and something has to give to relase this wind up, usually a wheel will hop slightly releaving the pressure, but if you are unfortunate damage to the drive train can be the result if something it it 'gives' before a wheel can hop or slip to release the pressure.

            Even tho it may appear as though this means its safe to engage 4wd on a hard surface as long as u don't turn, its still best not to do so as often the system can be a bit slow/sticky returning to 2wd
            Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


            • #7
              thx alot fellas...was grateful of the info..catch ya all later gonna raid the kids egg stash got the munchies if ya know what i mean


              • #8
                Originally posted by reefer
                thx alot fellas...was grateful of the info..catch ya all later gonna raid the kids egg stash got the munchies if ya know what i mean

                yea i know what ya mean m8 eying up a large chrunchie egg rite now


                (off to Amsterdam on tues)


                • #9
                  you'll get transmission wind up in a straight line too... especially if you have unevenly worn tyres... but if the wheels are turning at different rates then the 4wd won't engage you'd have to stop and rock forwards and back a bit.
                  nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by dabigman
                    .... especially if you have unevenly worn tyres... ..
                    Good point, I hadn't considered that
                    Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Morr
                      Good point, I hadn't considered that
                      i only found out when i had MTs on the back and road tyres on the front!
                      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by dabigman
                        you'll get transmission wind up in a straight line too... especially if you have unevenly worn tyres... but if the wheels are turning at different rates then the 4wd won't engage you'd have to stop and rock forwards and back a bit.
                        4 new MTs on her and she dropped into 4wd no prob, wouldent come back out though till I'd dropped the speed way down.
                        If it smells like fish, eat it!

