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Torrent & EPC

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  • Torrent & EPC

    Just wanted to say cheers to everyone for the help on testing the torrent system. It's now up and running on the main site, so the true torture test begins now.

    Also, the latest 2007 EPC is up there now, split into seperate discs, for anyone who doesn't want to have to download it as one large file.
    Last edited by MattF; 21 July 2008, 16:30.

  • #2
    wots the site addy Matt



    • #3
      Originally posted by charvell View Post
      wots the site addy Matt

      Here ya go.



      • #4
        Originally posted by MattF View Post

        lookin good, just wait for the server blowing up with all that info


        • #5
          Originally posted by Gizmo View Post
          just wait for the server blowing up with all that info
          That's what I'm half expecting. Ever since putting the torrent system fully online yesterday, I've been running with four terminals open so I can keep an eye on everything. Plus, Sods Law did kick in almost immediately yesterday. Found a couple of db problems that had never shown up during the testing period. I'm not paranoid though. Honest.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MattF View Post
            That's what I'm half expecting. Ever since putting the torrent system fully online yesterday, I've been running with four terminals open so I can keep an eye on everything. Plus, Sods Law did kick in almost immediately yesterday. Found a couple of db problems that had never shown up during the testing period. I'm not paranoid though. Honest.

            Could have been me trying to break it for ya!.....don't know what you server is like or the connections to the machine, but found it very slow on both using ftp or torrent and stopped the connection to the EPC stuff


            • #7
              Originally posted by Gizmo View Post
              Could have been me trying to break it for ya!.....
              You jinxed me too. Just after I did that post above, the seeder decided to throw a hissy fit and exit without rhyme nor reason.

              Originally posted by Gizmo View Post
              don't know what you server is like or the connections to the machine, but found it very slow on both using ftp or torrent and stopped the connection to the EPC stuff
              And slow means.....? Ftp is rate limited per connection. The torrent system pretty much controls itself, however, sharing, (however it sees fit), the available bandwidth between the connections.

              How exactly was the torrent system behaving? With this being a specific daemon I've never had experience of before, I'm still trying to become familiar with it's semantics, and how it processes stuff. Is it chugging and stopping erratically, fine one minute and not the next, or some other type of symptom?


              • #8
                40 seconds to download the brake system torrent, seems to be very quick to me.

                yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                • #9
                  Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
                  40 seconds to download the brake system torrent, seems to be very quick to me.
                  Nice. That file is about 6.5 meg ain't it?

                  From what I've seen of the torrent performance from this end, it does appear far better than ftp due to the simple fact that all of the allocated bandwidth is used as needed, when needed. The ftp server is a bit more clunky in that regard. It doesn't have that same level of fine tuning finesse.

                  What I see from this end and how it's actually behaving in reality can be worlds apart, however.


                  • #10
                    Seems to be more stable now....getting around 40kB/s whereas previously was only at 10kB/s for any download and that was approx around 2am


                    • #11
                      Good. It should improve over time, hopefully. At the moment, the server itself is still the primary seeder, so until the files get spread out a bit, that is going to be having to cope with most of the load. Plus, I am still in the process of finding what needs tweaking and such. It's getting there though. Found the cause of the errant seeder shutdown too, so I'm in the process of trying to find a setting it's happy with.

