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  • Update

    At the beginning of April i bought and had fitted a Water to Hydrogen unit for £59.00 for two bottles. Yesterday discovered that half of the Metal electrodes had literally rotted away and turned into a brown sludge. I had changed the water 2 or 3 times so it wasn't that. Don't think any inprovement in MPG, maybe slightly although one strange thing was that on having another emission test at same place as my MOT, it was higher than before. I do know that some systems in the States cost app $1000, bit more than i paid for mine. You maybe get what you pay for.
    I am now utilizing the system to produce Pure Hydrogen, not Brown's Gas, without having to wire it in and also no electrodes. If it works after a few weeks, will maybe ask some forum members who really know their MPG to test a few, but early days yet.
    Still Searching,
    Dick Whittington

  • #2
    I had 4 cheap fuel cells fitted to my old land rover. To be honest the thin wire cells in the jam jar type off set up do not last or provide the results in my experience. The land rover has no fuel management; just a straight old diesel lump and I achieved around 10mpg more but more importantly the power increase made the Landy very usable.

    Distilled water only with the correct amount of sodium hydroxide, to much of this will cause the amps to run high and melt your hard work. Tap water, spring water etc will sludge up. When the stainless steal electrodes are touched without gloves this can also cause sludge and lower gas production.

    I have just installed a smack booster to my wife’s rover 414, 12 stainless steal plates contained in a water filter. This might sound a little crude but it appears to be working! I installed an in line valve so I can adjust the amount of petrol to the injectors. I have the fuel line almost closed and the car is running!!! Sounds like bull I know but never the less it is running. The fuel management system will not allow the car to run lean so I thought bugger you, I can't afford to mess about with the map etc so I cut the fuel. No results yet but the car sounds very quite and from my quick test, very zippy!

    I imagine the surf would require quite a lot of gas before any noticeable difference to MPG. I have only just bought my surf and might be selling it again due to needing more space (extra seat) But if I was to consider going down the electrolysis road with the Surf I believe you would require a system that produced at the very least around 2 liters per min. I am not 100% sure as I am not familiar with the surf’s engine yet but like my wife’s Rover I do not think electrolysis will do anything MPG wise unless the trucks fuel delivery system is adjusted somehow to deliver less fuel, timing etc…

    I’ll let you know how I get along.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Mrbill View Post
      Distilled water only with the correct amount of sodium hydroxide, to much of this will cause the amps to run high and melt your hard work. Tap water, spring water etc will sludge up. When the stainless steal electrodes are touched without gloves this can also cause sludge and lower gas production.

      Just on a side note with regards to using stainless, (if I remember correctly), it does produce trace amounts of undesirable elements. Lasts longer than other metals, but does have that caveat. Carbon rod, if you can get it, is the route to go. Longer lifespan and no undesirable side effects.

      Philip, how can you produce Hydrogen without any electrical interaction?


      • #4
        Originally posted by MattF View Post
        Philip, how can you produce Hydrogen without any electrical interaction?
        Boiwazzard manages just fine!

        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


        • #5
          Originally posted by TonyN View Post
          Boiwazzard manages just fine!

          I think you,ll find thats mostly Hydrogen Sulphide and not pure hydrogen

          Сви можемо


          • #6
            Originally posted by MattF View Post
            Just on a side note with regards to using stainless, (if I remember correctly), it does produce trace amounts of undesirable elements. Lasts longer than other metals, but does have that caveat. Carbon rod, if you can get it, is the route to go. Longer lifespan and no undesirable side effects.

            Philip, how can you produce Hydrogen without any electrical interaction?
            Carbon rod, cool. I'll check that out



            • #7
              Originally posted by MattF View Post
              Carbon rod, if you can get it, is the route to go. ?
              Bearing in mind here that I have no idea about the sizes you would need as the above is all new to me....
              But if the carbon rods needed are just a few inches could you cut open batteries and use the central core? I seem to remember that they are carbon rods?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                I think you,ll find thats mostly Hydrogen Sulphide and not pure hydrogen

                Rotten eggs


                • #9
                  I HAVE FOUND JESUS he was behind the sofa

