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Off on me hols

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  • Off on me hols

    I am off on me hols, heading off to sunny Somerset Fri pm towing the weekend home.

    If anyone is on the M5 between Junctions 9 and 25 on Friday give us wave

    Got to break the journey up some how, three hours sat in the truck with the missus will drive me mad

    Will miss the banter etc, will catch up when I return

    Entered this world with nothing, ain't got much of it left.

  • #2
    Have a great time and drive safely!
    Time is an illusion.
    Lunchtime doubly so.


    • #3
      there's nowt wrong with sitting in the truck for 3 hours...... it's just that your mrs is there is the problem..... ,not that i been in the truck with your mrs mind...
      Have a good trip


      • #4
        You can sit in your truck with my Mrs any time you want

        She bites worse than she barks, we must be doing something right we have been married 25 years.

        As with a lot of the members of the forum things have been really tight for us this year, I had to change jobs due to ill health, and what with the cost of fuel etc this will be the 1st time this year that we have managed to get away in the van, really looking forward to a break and chilling out for a week

        Don't know if the protocol is correct, but do you strip trucks? If so I am desperate for a rear bumper for mine its rotten as a pear and I can't afford Milners or Roughtracks prices at the moment.

        Entered this world with nothing, ain't got much of it left.


        • #5
          All i got at the mo is a grey centre section with a slight dent on the o/s.I will be getting another breaker in soon hopefully.Or try dieselboy as he's thinking of breaking his old 2.4 or supersurf may be able to help or maybe vagrant no.2

