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  • #31
    Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
    i will help you out muchly when i get my internet back online at my new address next week. i will have a dedicated ADSL internet line without restrictions, and the upload speed from my end will be max 1.3meg.
    this will at some point terminate on a cisco firewall and i have virtual machines set up for different things.
    this means i have no problem being a seed during working hours and normal sleeping hours lol - my download is 7mb
    if you can make something better than whats out there, im willing to help
    That would be absolutely spanky if you could. Cheers.

    As much as I've tried to optimise things on the ftp front, one has to accept the fact that limited bandwidth, (speed wise), does mean there's a limit to what one can do. Even with one of the chaps on the Oz site running a mirror for a large percentage of the files on ftp, (which has helped immensely), it still ain't enough to cope with requirements on occasion, hence why I've decided to try this torrent option running alongside the ftp server.

    Total amount of data transferred each month ain't no problem. That can go to it's hearts content. Actual bandwidth, however, is something I can do bugger all about, so trying the distributed torrent method seemed to be the best course. If it saves me from getting one more e-mail saying someone can't connect to a download, (seriously, I can't make those explanation messages any more descriptive), it'll be worth it's weight in gold.

    Which OS do you run, btw? Found a spanky little *nix client the other day. (Commandline only, but doesn't have the multiple dependencies of other progs, and serves all torrents from a single instance).


    • #32
      Originally posted by Maverick View Post
      I go out to walk the dogs and nothing was happening.

      I get back and both files have downloaded with no error messages.
      Nice. It might just have been needing to refresh at the next announce then. Although, that might be a complete bunkum explanation. I've learned far more about the torrent system over the last few days than I ever wished to, but some of its methods of operation still confuse the hell out of me.

      Originally posted by nero279 View Post
      from memory yes, but if anyone knows how to check using azureus once the files finished downloading i'll check for you.
      Can't say as I'm familiar with Azureus.

      yeah, it drops out for a few seconds (upto about 20 seconds or so), then the speed picks up and it's ok for a minute or two, seems to resume ok and completed in 27m 42s even with the dropping out, whatever average speed that works out to be on a 27MB file?
      Can't see anything out of order on the server, so I'm thinking it might just be due to either the methodology this seeder uses for what/when/how it serves, or the fact that just during testing, the ftp and torrent setups are going to be scrapping with each other over bandwidth, so it could be just base OS level control kicking in. (Didn't want to alter anything with regards to the ftp server until I know I have this system working correctly and in place).


      • #33
        Originally posted by MattF View Post
        That would be absolutely spanky if you could. Cheers.

        As much as I've tried to optimise things on the ftp front, one has to accept the fact that limited bandwidth, (speed wise), does mean there's a limit to what one can do. Even with one of the chaps on the Oz site running a mirror for a large percentage of the files on ftp, (which has helped immensely), it still ain't enough to cope with requirements on occasion, hence why I've decided to try this torrent option running alongside the ftp server.

        Total amount of data transferred each month ain't no problem. That can go to it's hearts content. Actual bandwidth, however, is something I can do bugger all about, so trying the distributed torrent method seemed to be the best course. If it saves me from getting one more e-mail saying someone can't connect to a download, (seriously, I can't make those explanation messages any more descriptive), it'll be worth it's weight in gold.

        Which OS do you run, btw? Found a spanky little *nix client the other day. (Commandline only, but doesn't have the multiple dependencies of other progs, and serves all torrents from a single instance).

        what are you trying to distribute?
        im running vista as my main OS, with a virtualised XP sp2. if you would like me to use another OS, i can, but it will be virtual inside vista. and tbh i wont have much time to set it up just now, i have re-decorating to do and all that
        Oh Nana, what's my name?


        • #34
          Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
          what are you trying to distribute?
          It's for the tech downloads.


          At the moment, all of those files are available merely via the ftp server(s), plus http for the files which are 1M<. Now I've got this system running, however, I just need to rewrite that downloads section a tad so that it can provide a link to the torrent file for that download as well as the direct download link to the file. Then it's just a case of creating the torrent metainfo files over the next week or two and getting them added.

          Hopefully, once the new system has been running for a few weeks, the main, (popular), files will have been downloaded often enough that there will always be some seeders available. If not, there'll be the primary seeder on the server running as a backup.

          Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
          im running vista as my main OS, with a virtualised XP sp2. if you would like me to use another OS, i can, but it will be virtual inside vista. and tbh i wont have much time to set it up just now, i have re-decorating to do and all that
          If you're running Win, whichever torrent client you normally use would work fine. It's just a case of downloading/seeding as one would with any other file. This system should work with all standard torrent clients.


          • #35
            Well I've just deleted the torrents and started again so I could watch them, and it's all going quite well.
            Attached Files
            Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


            • #36


              • #37
                Well, finally got everything working sound as a pound now, by the looks of it. Cheers again for the help in testing it. I'll be disabling that test tracker in a day or two, btw, so it's safe to remove any torrents for that tracker now if anyone still has them running.

                What do we think of this for the torrent file download icon, btw?

                Couldn't find a generic torrent icon which wasn't linked to a specific programme as such, so just went for a cute icon from the Utorrent site.

