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Welsh UFO's

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  • Welsh UFO's

    South Wales, nice place to live, but glad I'm not part of the gene pool


    Onwards Binky

  • #2
    There was actually a report of a UFO on the Welsh coast a few weeks ago. The RAF were apparently scrambled to investigate.

    Like all areas there are certainly a few of the Welsh who have something lacking upstairs, but I'm sure they exist aross the globe. Certainly some of the people I work with I'm not convinced would know which way round to sit on a toilet seat. But then I also know some very intelligent Welshmen too... Well there's me anyway...I think...


    • #3




      OH BUGGER they are getting closer......

      ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


      • #4
        And more.......

        ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


        • #5
          I reckon I know some so called 'engineers' who dont know which end of a soldering iron you're supposed to hold.
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #6
            the reason for all the sightings in wales is coz the sheep out number the people and the armed forces can test aircraft out without being seen
            Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


            • #7
              "Thanks to the public we have been able to answer calls, concerning real emergencies, quicker," said Supt O'Neill.

              Come on! 'Durr public' shouldn't be bothering you with their stupidity - they are tw@ts, plain and simple. Stop being so PC and say what you think. ie...

              "The selfish w*nkers have stopped ringing us for stupid reasons, so we have been able to answer calls, concerning real emergencies, quicker," said Supt O'Neill.


              The change in the greeting is being monitored by Cardiff University researchers Professor Martin Innes of the Universities Police Science Institute and Dr Frances Rock of the Centre for Language and Communication

              Ooooh yeah, lets justify people with firsts in applied sociology soaking up tax payers money and now being employed in non-jobs.

              Come on you cretins, why do we need to explain to 'durr public' what is an emercency (help please, someone's breaking into my house) and what isn't (how do I vote for some boring person in a boring TV show?). We certainly dont need to waste tax payers money training people to do it!

              Jesus, this country is fooked good style!
              Cutting steps in the roof of the world

