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shall I help a lady in distress?

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  • shall I help a lady in distress?

    got this in my inbox earlier, she really needs some help

    Dear Beloved, I hope this email meets you in Good health. I have been very worried why you never replied my earlier email to you. Just as I told you in my previous email. I am Mrs Hannah Rawlins married to Late Mr Peter Rawlins, who was a well established business man before he passed on. I got your email address through the internet. For the past 2 years I have been going through so much depression and I am willing to share my pains with you. Please I do not want you to turn me down at this point because may health depends on it. I lost my husband and my only son to a car accident and this has really shorted life for me and to crown it all, after the funeral ceremony, my late husbands relatives took everything belonging to me and my family because I do not have a child for their brother anymore . Ever since then, they have paid no attention me or my health requirements. It was hell for me after the funeral so I had to leave the house just to stay alive. I took along with me the documents concerning my late husbands investment in the tune 5 million USD in a bank in Europe and I have proposed this investment for charity in my late husbands name. Please, I need to help me secure this fund to an offshore account for my health and charity purpose. I will communicate with you via email as I need us to treat this project with utmost confidentiality until the funds gets to your account in your country. In appreciation of your help, once funds gets to your account you are to keep 30% for yourself, 20% for my welfare and you will use the remaining 50% to implement a project for charity in my late husbands name. Should you be interested in helping me, please write back to me via my private email (h2han.rawlins@hotmail.com) and also send me the following information; Full names,AddressTelephone /Fax The reception of this above information will enable me write a letter of authorization for the purpose of our partnership to the bank so you can represent me as my partner for the investment to be released and transferred to you to commence on my project. Please, write back to me A.S.A.P because my health depends on it. Remain Blessed ,Mrs. Hannah Rawlins
    Hold my beer and watch this

  • #2
    Have you dropped a truck on your head again
    ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


    • #3
      $1.5 million is a fair payment for transferring monies
      Hold my beer and watch this


      • #4
        Ive had a few of these, I like to string them along for a laugh


        • #5
          really, what do you do?
          Hold my beer and watch this


          • #6
            Read this wiki


            If it ain't fun it ain't worth doing!


            • #7
              you have realy upset me I was going to help, but if you feel that..........
              Did I mention I have a BLUE one


              • #8
                I do like this bit...

                "For the past 2 years I have been going through so much depression and I am willing to share my pains with you"

                Oh GOOOOOOD! Just what I need!
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #9
                  well in for a penny in for $1.5millon, I decided to reply

                  Dear Mrs Rawlins
                  I'm sorry to hear of the tragic loss of your husband and son, and of the situation that you have found yourself in. I offer to you my deepest sympathies.
                  I am sorry but I cannot find a copy of the first e-mail that you sent to me, is there a chance you could re-send this e-mail. Along with information about where you are are from and perhaps a recent photgraph. I have never been offered to help with such a request that you have asked and so I hope you can understand that I am little cautious about this. If you could provide me with this information it would be helpful in gaining mutual trust between ourselves.
                  Regards, Jason
                  Hold my beer and watch this


                  • #10
                    I wouldn't waste my time send it to your local plod office all forces collate the information and sometimes nail the scum after there's been enough interest. At least they are then on file.

                    letters with private name and address are a worry I'd stand clear.

                    I remember travellers flogging tvs they told folk to be sure Sir they fell of the back of a lorry if you know what I mean to be sure. They work fine but just slip me 50 squid and it's yours. The remotes were a lump of wood wrapped in insulating tape and then the whole thing was wrapped in cling film so folk thought they were new.

                    No one complained imagine going to the Polis station and complaining that you got ripped of when you thought you were receiving stolen goods and weren't.
                    Last edited by Highlander1; 4 July 2008, 14:32.
                    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

