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I lost my blue star......

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  • #46
    Originally posted by joker?? View Post
    for the great wrong doing he has done you [& the forum coffers]
    i would at least expect him to buy you an outfit to go with the boots
    I think so too. Kev doen't seem too impressed about having to open his wallet - well for that amount anyway!!!!!!!!
    He's got the surf!! (at the moment)


    • #47
      Originally posted by joker?? View Post
      for the great wrong doing he has done you [& the forum coffers]
      i would at least expect him to buy you an outfit to go with the boots

      I'll second that - as long as there's not too much material in the outfit !

      Life is too important to take seriously !


      • #48
        Originally posted by Predictable Bob View Post

        I'll second that - as long as there's not too much material in the outfit !

        What I want to know is why do clothes get more expensive the less there is of them??
        My other cars a QUAD
        (sv1000spilot on surf forums)


        • #49
          So - have you two love birds decided where to go for the honeymoon, or are you going to skip that bit and go straight to councelling???

          FFS! - IOTM goes to Gerblet - get your own Paypal account - it's free!

          If it means that much to you to have your subs paid, you could always try paying them yourself......

          Looks like a tied vote to me - Gerblet for making such a huge deal out of nothing, and not being able to set up a Paypal account to do it herself - and Kev for being a typical bloke and forgetting to do something he has been asked to do....
          Too old to care, young enough to remember


          • #50
            HA HA HA HA I was going to side with kevin, untill i saw the boots they will look good on abi!! think you should get them then post pics of her wearing them as proof!!
            it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


            • #51
              Originally posted by drunkmonkeyboy View Post
              HA HA HA HA I was going to side with kevin, untill i saw the boots they will look good on abi!! think you should get them then post pics of her wearing them as proof!!
              Thanks for the support

              My other cars a QUAD
              (sv1000spilot on surf forums)


              • #52
                Originally posted by MudSurfer View Post

                Looks like a tied vote to me - Gerblet for making such a huge deal out of nothing, and not being able to set up a Paypal account to do it herself - and Kev for being a typical bloke and forgetting to do something he has been asked to do....

                Don't make the mistake of thinking this is about common sense - it's all about seeing Kevin get a good kicking !

                You can add me to the Perv list

                Life is too important to take seriously !


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Predictable Bob View Post

                  it's all about seeing Kevin get a good kicking !

                  Now that I really don't need to see.......
                  Too old to care, young enough to remember


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by MudSurfer View Post
                    Now that I really don't need to see.......
                    Thank You
                    My other cars a QUAD
                    (sv1000spilot on surf forums)


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by MudSurfer View Post
                      So - have you two love birds decided where to go for the honeymoon, or are you going to skip that bit and go straight to councelling???

                      FFS! - IOTM goes to Gerblet - get your own Paypal account - it's free!

                      If it means that much to you to have your subs paid, you could always try paying them yourself......

                      Looks like a tied vote to me - Gerblet for making such a huge deal out of nothing, and not being able to set up a Paypal account to do it herself - and Kev for being a typical bloke and forgetting to do something he has been asked to do....
                      I feel I have to defend myself here, I don't have a paypal account as Kevin said not to bother as it is pointless having 2 in one house!!! I am more than capable of setting up a paypal account.

                      I am also allowed to make a fuss about things because I am a girl or as Kevin calls me a princess!!!!!!!!

                      He did offer me breakfast in bed but I got up as I didn't want Jam on my cream sheets or crumbs in the bed!!!!!!!
                      He's got the surf!! (at the moment)


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by MudSurfer View Post
                        So - have you two love birds decided where to go for the honeymoon, or are you going to skip that bit and go straight to councelling???

                        FFS! - IOTM goes to Gerblet - get your own Paypal account - it's free!

                        If it means that much to you to have your subs paid, you could always try paying them yourself......

                        Looks like a tied vote to me - Gerblet for making such a huge deal out of nothing, and not being able to set up a Paypal account to do it herself - and Kev for being a typical bloke and forgetting to do something he has been asked to do....
                        Honeymoon in Thailand

                        Should be OK as I'm not paying for it so can't forget to
                        My other cars a QUAD
                        (sv1000spilot on surf forums)


                        • #57
                          Hey SV, Bio and I are feeling sorry for you, so we have clubbed together to get your new home.

                          Bio's even prepared the air conditioning in it for you

                          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                          • #58
                            Thanks for the offer guys, but I think Supersurfs garage would be more fun.
                            My other cars a QUAD
                            (sv1000spilot on surf forums)


                            • #59
                              But i have just eaten a chlli
                              ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


                              • #60
                                You may need a hideaway soon
                                Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !

