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Emmet Alert !

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  • Emmet Alert !

    I have reason to believe that a bunch of itinerant wanderers will hit Redruth on 2nd August and will be in the area for 14 days. They are travelling in an extremely classy champagne silver 3rd Gen Surf and will be closely followed (I hope) by a LWSOW *

    Now Google is a wonderful aid (Much like the Search function on here) but it rarely supplies candid views on things (at least none that I'd have faith in) so I'm after any useful info from the local fraternity, in particular anything referring to:

    Skateparks (I believe there's one in Camborne but can't get a location)
    (Cheap) Rock music events
    Curry Houses - I can find loads but where are the good ones !
    Other (legal) activities of interest to my three 15 year olds (1F, 2M)
    Shopping (Herself and the daughter - honest !)

    I might be able to persuade Herself to partake of some gentle green-laning if anybody has the time/interest but there'll have to be no risk of serious damage or filling the rad with mud (we've still got large amounts of Salisbury Plain in there) as she'll whine if we have problems on the tow home !

    * - LWSOW - Large White Shed On Wheels

    Cheers Guys

    Life is too important to take seriously !

  • #2
    There is a skate park just down the road from me but not sure what its like till i get home and talk to the kids about it.
    I will be willing to take you on the St Just lanes if you want a bit of scenery
    There is a indian in Camborne also but never tried it yet myself.
    Truro will probably be the best place for shopping.
    Korn exchange in Camborne do disco's or something for the teen agers but i'll find out again when i get home


    • #3
      There's an indoor skate park @ Blackwater and a Quad track there too.

      Redruth leisure centre has a good indoor pool (there's a market there on wwekends too )

      Newquay has an outdoor skate park next door to the leisure pool/zoo.

      Theres always Baldhu if your feeling adventurous

      Theres bowling down @ Penzance

      If you dont mind travelling theres paintball @ Newton Abbot......not sure if they dont do that @ Penzance also.

      Main shopping area would be Truro, but for looking around Cambourne aint bad
      What have I told you about thinking Erroll


      • #4
        Don't forget FLAMBARDS


        • #5

          That's great guys - I just knew I would get some real info from you !

          Is it me or has Google gone down the pan over the last couple of years ? It used to be really helpful but now it seems to throw out loads of generic, useless crepe most of the time.

          Thanks for the gentle laning offer Rich - we may very well take you up on it. Not so sure about Baldhu and Flambards though

          The shopping should keep the womenfolk happy (and the youngest come to think of it !)

          Life is too important to take seriously !


          • #6
            Penzance is also very good for Shopping & St just is only up the road


            • #7
              Forget google its only after yer money, try Wikipedia by typing into google wiki followed by the search i.e. wiki camborne will produce results like:


              Hope that helps
              If it ain't fun it ain't worth doing!


              • #8
                places to see

                You've also got Monkey World and the Tank Museum at Bovington. Poldark Mines was quite good as well.


                • #9
                  Some of these places in Devon will be a pain to get to as there is a new Bypass being built at Dobwall and so there will be queing traffice on the A38


                  • #10
                    Try this before you leave home


                    This site is updated regularly....
                    If it ain't fun it ain't worth doing!


                    • #11
                      If you are going to be anywhere near Plymouth let me know as I'm free all week.

                      Have sent you my mobile number by PM
                      My other cars a QUAD
                      (sv1000spilot on surf forums)


                      • #12

                        Thanks again guys !

                        Kevin, got the number - good to see that you're still walking after the blue star incident !

                        Life is too important to take seriously !

