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Car insurance again?

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  • Car insurance again?

    Hi all
    I know this topic has been covered loads of time but I could not help myself had to share this with you all.
    Its that time of year again when the insurance is due new quote from the company that I am with £285 fully comp as appose to last year £250 so I do it again and phone round looking for the best quote even went on those web site like compair the market. Some good prices untill you get the execs some wanted £500 some were a little better put still around £250-£280, yesterday I got a call from a company called call conections the put in touch with companys who specialize in Jap imports, after a couple of calls to differant insurance companys I was put in touch with www.skyinsurance.co.uk the guy on the phone took my detals after 5 mins he came back to me and gave me my quote ? (wait for it ) £214 fully comp execs £250 £75 window free curtesy 90 days free travel in to another country. I asked him how could this be so low he told me that because as I am a member of this web site he could give me a good discount he just asked me to confirm me log on ID.

    here is ther web site www.skyinsurance.co.uk

    Steve <*)))><
    The wheels on my Surf go round and round