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  • #16
    Originally posted by Fatty Smalls View Post
    I know this tread is a month old but im having similar loss of power and 17MPG .When you say EGR pipe gasket are you talking about the pipe in this link?

    I know the feeling....the noise kicks in over 2000 rpm its def turbo related...

    Back in the day Baby


    • #17
      Originally posted by stormforce View Post
      take a look at the pics here in this link for the 3.0l egr mod
      Cheers Stormy, Once again you have come thru for me! I am going to have to ship lots of beer your way me thinks!
      Last edited by mikovitch; 11 July 2008, 23:50.
      Yippee-Kay-Ay, Melon Farmer.


      • #18
        Originally posted by mikovitch View Post
        Cheers Stomry, Once again you have come thru for me! I am going to have to ship lots of beer your way me thinks!
        It's in the same feckin place as we've all been telling you!
        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


        • #19
          Aye that is true, but I needed the pictures. You should have seen the trouble I had when I first got with my missus, we didnt have a camera and she cant draw so good but I managed in the end.
          Yippee-Kay-Ay, Melon Farmer.


          • #20
            Well, that was fun.
            Pulled off the pipe, shoved a screw in the end and cable tied it down.

            Went down the by-pass. Needle on speedo stopped moving at 100mph but I was still accelerating.

            I need to go empty my pants now!
            Yippee-Kay-Ay, Melon Farmer.

