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@ Matt F

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  • @ Matt F

    Like I said a while back, my current employer gives me the chance to make 'stuff' as and when I feel like. Recently I designed and built a multi-modulation source which can produce various of the required DefStan and MilStd modulation test sources to free up some programmable signal generators which could be better used elsewhere.

    Now my employer has noticed I can do this sort of thing, I've been asked if I can produce a 'noise source' for 1GHz and a few sub harmonics of that. I was thinking of using a processor clock of some sort, and dividing it if the natural sub-harmonics are not strong enough.

    You know how engineers tend to get tunnel vision on one method once they've found one, and I'm more of a low frequency analogue kind of guy. RF design isn't really my first field - and there's probably better ideas than mine. I want to keep it simple and cheap.

    Fresh ideas?
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    Originally posted by Apache View Post
    You know how engineers tend to get tunnel vision on one method once they've found one,
    Can't say I've ever noticed that myself.

    Originally posted by Apache View Post
    and I'm more of a low frequency analogue kind of guy. RF design isn't really my first field - and there's probably better ideas than mine. I want to keep it simple and cheap.

    Fresh ideas?
    Must admit, it's not one of my favourite areas either, but I know someone who I can brainpick on the subject. Must say though that your initial suggestion sounds fine, in my opinion. (Though that may not count for much on this subject).


    • #3
      Sorry to butt in Fellas n changin the subject Matt was it you that needed / wanted summat Surf trained to Scooty land ??

      There's always a payback .... Ya just never ever see it Comin !!!!
      Buncefield Burner


      • #4
        Originally posted by Diezel Weazel View Post
        Sorry to butt in Fellas n changin the subject Matt was it you that needed / wanted summat Surf trained to Scooty land ??
        It is indeed. I have a set of rear bumper quarters here for Yoshie.


        • #5
          Originally posted by MattF View Post
          It is indeed. I have a set of rear bumper quarters here for Yoshie.
          Hmm good I could always swop mine round before we reach Yoshies !!!!!
          Joking aside....
          I'm setting out (4th) Friday next about 6am ish proposed route is hopefully M1-M18-A1-A66 any good ??
          PM me if ya need help !!!

          There's always a Payback .... Ya just never ever see it Comin !!!!
          Buncefield Burner


          • #6
            if it would help I can pick them up from your place and get them across to the A1 for you I guess Jess would get to the Donny Junction between 7.30. 8.00 ?
            anyway the offer is there Mate
            Death rides a Black Horse


            • #7
              Originally posted by Apache View Post
              Like I said a while back, my current employer gives me the chance to make 'stuff' as and when I feel like. Recently I designed and built a multi-modulation source which can produce various of the required DefStan and MilStd modulation test sources to free up some programmable signal generators which could be better used elsewhere.

              Now my employer has noticed I can do this sort of thing, I've been asked if I can produce a 'noise source' for 1GHz and a few sub harmonics of that. I was thinking of using a processor clock of some sort, and dividing it if the natural sub-harmonics are not strong enough.

              You know how engineers tend to get tunnel vision on one method once they've found one, and I'm more of a low frequency analogue kind of guy. RF design isn't really my first field - and there's probably better ideas than mine. I want to keep it simple and cheap.

              Fresh ideas?
              You coulda just pm'ed Matt and not made the rest of us feel thick.

              yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


              • #8
                I got lost on the 3rd line an gave up.
                How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                • #9
                  As I read it all and a wee voice was saying in my head "you are wasting a wee bit of your life here Alan"

                  yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
                    As I read it all and a wee voice was saying in my head "you are wasting a wee bit of your life here Alan"
                    How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                    • #11
                      Its OK, I knew it would degenerate into something you could all understand eventually, like moving bumpers from A to B.

                      Lets start with something easy... can you sing?

                      "2+2 is 4... 4+4 is 8... 8+8 is 16... 16 and 16 is 32..."

                      Damn illiterates!
                      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Apache View Post
                        Its OK, I knew it would degenerate into something you could all understand eventually, like moving bumpers from A to B.

                        Lets start with something easy... can you sing?

                        "2+2 is 4... 4+4 is 8... 8+8 is 16... 16 and 16 is 32..."

                        Damn illiterates!
                        Yup can't go much further though
                        How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                        • #13
                          Didn't want to let you down lads.

                          yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Apache View Post
                            Now my employer has noticed I can do this sort of thing, I've been asked if I can produce a 'noise source' for 1GHz and a few sub harmonics of that. I was thinking of using a processor clock of some sort, and dividing it if the natural sub-harmonics are not strong enough.
                            Finally spoke to the chap on this one. Suggested a few possibilities. With regards to sub harmonics, he said they shouldn't be a problem if you use a good output stage, most likely. Doubts you'd need to use a variable setup.

                            1) Cheapo and possibly easiest solution. Get one of these 2.4GHz transmitters used in everything these days and see if you can adapt the output frequency with any ease.

                            2) Tunable wave guide setup.

                            3) See if one of the HAM's may have an article from Practical Wireless back in the 80's which had a source for testing 1GHz+ frequencies. It was a fairly simple circuit, by all accounts.

                            4) I really dislike you now due to me having to sit through a non-brief explanation of all this stuff.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MattF View Post
                              4) I really dislike you now due to me having to sit through a non-brief explanation of all this stuff.

                              There is someone even more long-winded than you out there
                              ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'

