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IT Help Please

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  • IT Help Please

    I have a centre inspection tomorrow..keeps me in business if we pass. I needed to write a report for it that has just taken me 4 hours!. I was going to do the final touches in the morning but have lost the file!!. This is very important to me so if you can help read on.....thanks

    I opened an email attachment word doc and clicked save as and gave it a "new name" onto my desk top. I worked for 4 hours on it always clicking CTRL + S as I made changes. I had Media player running in the back ground and wanted to shut it. When I clicked close nothing happened so I clicked again. This shut word down and my document. I opened word and looked at recent files and it's not there or on the desk top. I have used the search facility for both the file name and the wording in the doc but it's not there. I went back to the original word doc attachment and clicked save as and the "New Name" was there as an option

    Any help appreciated


  • #2
    where do your word doc normally save too. could it of saved it into the word folder inside the program. try looking for it through my com, c drive, program files and it might be in one of the microsoft files


    • #3
      it might be worth a try, doing a search for recently modified documents
      • click 'start'
      • 'search'
      • 'all files & folders'
      • type '*.*' in 'all or part of the file name'
      • select 'when was it last modified'
      • 'specify dates'
      • insert todays date in both to and from fields

      Just a thought, might work might not.

      eggs sucking teach maybe, sorry.
      =SOLD UP!=


      • #4
        Thanks Gents

        Unfortunately no Joy, I'm off to bed for a very early start!

        Thanks for the suggestions



        • #5
          Check your temp folder. Word may have created a tempfile in there.
          Last edited by MattF; 25 June 2008, 00:27.


          • #6
            Depending on the Email application will depend on where it will use as a temporary storeage area for attachments. Some will use C:\temp\ others C:\Windows\temp\ . Some will even use their own structure like C:\Program Files\The Bat!\MAIL\Bruce\Attachments.

            Once you've located the likely storage area the next issue is the filename. Some Email applications when editing an attachment will save the file with a tilda ~ as a prefix, like ~plonker.doc or even ~plonker.tmp

            So have another look around your system. Good luck
            If it ain't fun it ain't worth doing!

