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Rite I am back.....

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  • Rite I am back.....

    Well most of u have prob not even noticed that I have not really been on lol
    avarage 1 post a day for the last couple weeks

    But all good i am back now was just a little busy...

    Today is still busy but I could not stay away any longer...
    just been reading up on some post and all up to date again..
    My missus has had a provisional for nearly 10 years and has finally decided she wants to learn to drive soon..

    She has also decided that she wants a Hilux pickup to learn as she recons it's easier to learn than a surf...
    hehe so I said that is fine but only if I can keep it when she is done and make it into a off-roader only...

    So I will have to get on the lookout for a cheap pick me up soon

    I have suggested a first gen tho too and she is thinking about that now..... Whoo Hoo even better....

    So we'll see other expenses first but then..... lol
    One day at the time I guess..

  • #2


    ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


    • #3


      HEHE yep I all ready got the blue one in my ebay....
      am keeping an eye on that one.. has been on a few times and does not seem to sell..

      The classic one is far above our budget at the mo..
      I am buying a catering trailer first in the next few weeks, importing one from Germany or Holland...
      So as soon as that is done I might have a little more room in the budget..

      Am gonna look at a first gen surf as well 2mo needs some work so might get is cheap...
      I wud fancy that.... hehe
      One day at the time I guess..


      • #4
        This looks very nice. Wish I had the space cos its affordable too.

        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          Originally posted by Apache View Post
          This looks very nice. Wish I had the space cos its affordable too.


          yeah I saw that one she realy likes it too..
          It's deffo nice..
          I will see what my budget alowes when I got the new trailer...

          How have u been anyway?
          One day at the time I guess..


          • #6
            I was sorely tempted but have nowhere to keep it. Almost thought about chopping in the Surf, but I need four seats.
            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #7
              Originally posted by Apache View Post
              I was sorely tempted but have nowhere to keep it. Almost thought about chopping in the Surf, but I need four seats.
              yeah it is nice I'd be tempted but I want to buy a reall cheap one so she can learn and dent it no problem....
              Hehe yeah have a chop like Stein....
              Can I come...!!!
              One day at the time I guess..

