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Big fish kicks the bucket

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  • Big fish kicks the bucket

    I had a 12" long Redhead Cichlid up until very recently. One of these things...

    He shared his tank amicably for years with a 4" Jewel Cichlid...

    However, when I went in to feed them recently, the Redhead didn't come out to the front of the tank as he usually did. He'd expired at the back of the tank. The Jewel wasn't in evidence either...

    When I got a closer look, I could see the tail end of the Jewel sticking out of the Redhead's mouth... it was sad as I'd had the Redhead since he was an egg (I had a breeding pair) but when I thought about what must have gone on, I couldn't help laughing. You can just imagine the thought process...

    "Hmmm... I bet that Jewel would taste pretty good..."


    "Ahhhh... oh... bigger than I thought... ahhhh f*ck!"

    Brings new meaning to biting off more than you chew doesn't it?
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    It'll probably be OK but keep an eye on your bigger cichlid, There's a possibility that the jewels' dorsal spines can become wedged in its mouth, so the redhead can't swallow it and both fish end up dying.
    The picture isn't working so is this your redhead (vieja synspila)?

    If you have an emergency let me know and I can give you some tips on sedating them and removing the Jewel. Sometimes if it's done quick enough you can rescue the dinner fish as well.
    I've removed a fair few fishies from the mouths of cichlids, they seem to think they can swallow anything that's a little bit smaller than themselves.


    • #3
      lol your piccy just started working. snap!


      • #4
        So the thread title didn't give it away then?
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          I thought you were calling the littler of the two the big fish in an ironic kinda little john sorta way. Ho hum

