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Nightmare !!!!

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  • Nightmare !!!!

    Oh no what a nightmare n no show Nightfreight !!!!!

    Now I’ve used Milner Off Road for about 6 n half years no problem along with Roughtrax from time to time.
    So on Wednesday 18th June I ordered a front brake flexi-hose, rear exhaust box & tailpipe,
    from Milner’s (for the Wife’s Mitsy) “they’ll be with ya Thursday” so waited in all day n no show. (Really wanted it for Thursday)

    So Friday morning about 11.15 am I had a phone call from a the Local nightfreight depot,
    [quote] NF Manager says….
    “We have 2 packages for you & we can’t find your address but can’t deliver em till Monday now anyway, as we don’t deliver on Saturday’s, or you can pick em up” [quote]
    By now I’m steaming what the Fcuk’s going on!
    “Ok I’ll come n pick em up” I said

    I phoned Milner’s immediately & told em the story so far n they agreed to waive the carriage toward my Fuel costs.
    I made my way to their depot (NF) on arrival this guy handed me a small cardboard box which I accepted n then he put on me Truck tailgate what should have been a rear exhaust box n tailpipe (looked more like a large hairpin) damaged to Fcuk…
    I immediately phoned Milners & told em the problem n explained what the damage to the exhaust was “Ring us back when you get home” was their reply…

    So back home I took a couple of pics of the tangled mess, I then contacted Milner’s again (we were on first name terms by now) they offered to replace it by Saturday morning, “Not by them ya wont as they (NF) don’t deliver Saturday” I said
    As I definitely needed it Saturday morning I said I’m coming up now….

    I Arrived at Milner’s new Depot in Matlock at 4pm, they greeted me like a celebrity & they were amazed at the state of the exhaust mess, they explained they had a telephone call this morning (Friday) from our local (NF) asking for my telephone number so they can ring me n tell me they can’t deliver!

    Milner’s weren’t happy they (NF) didn’t phone them sooner on Thursday for my Tel no. & the fact I had to make the Collection /Delivery myself.
    (Something I haven’t done myself since running my own Sameday Courier company in the early 90’s n we didn’t have satnav’s)

    Complimentary Filters, Refund etc…. A great result

    Thankyou Milner’s Staff you deserve 10 outta 10 for your Professionalism, dedication n sense of duty to the Customer …

    There's always a Payback .... Ya just never ever see it Comin !!!!
    Buncefield Burner

  • #2
    Glad it turned out ok in the end Jess

