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steak & ale pie

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  • steak & ale pie

    i made myself a steak and ale pie about 2 weeks ago
    iam not supposed to eat beef but i love the suff

    i have been very ill since and not been around much on line dew to virus's on my computer again and me being too ill to sort it out

    iam back on all the anti sickness drugs and painkillers again so when iam around my post my be abit hard to understand

    its been an intresting 2 weeks
    i will put it in order it came
    first i make my self ill
    i poped a few ribs being sick
    i had a ding dong with a nut case (my sisters ex) who is only still walking coz he can run fast and i cant
    i poped my new rad on the surf got an oil leek and poped a hose all at once
    then my computer shut me out
    i discover my tools and most my disks are eather stolen or thrown away
    then while looking for tools to fix both commy and surf i cracked my back
    just after dinner witch was a chickhen curry (something else i can not eat)
    so i made my self realy ill now i can hardly move now

    coz i can not reverse in this state very well to top my bad 2 weeks off
    i reversed the surf into my drive wall wiping out the rear wheel artch

    but things started to buck up
    my mate turn up with 70 ltrs of white diesel for me coz he scraped his van
    so with any luck my bad spill is over i hope
    and ill not be too ill
    Last edited by JUDWAK; 20 June 2008, 03:12.
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

  • #2
    Glad things are looking up for you George, keep a stiff upper and you'll be ok,

    ummm steak and ale pie!!! me favorite, in fact everything thats bad for me is my favourite, had a real goodun in a pub a while back, steak and guiness pie!
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

