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  • new car.

    well the deed is done.......................... ............

    i have bought mrs gwh a renault megane to do the school run,general running round town etc.this means i can now have....gulp......her 998cc
    3 cylinder ......omg.....corsa !!

    it finally had to happen as i worked this weekend,so seven days running to work and back(about 120-130 miles a day through back roads and country lanes) and yesterday i put ANOTHER tank of fuel in and that came in at ajust a little over £200 quids worth of fuel last week,just about £30 quid a day.so with the little corsa i will be getting at least 50 to the gallon and will be able to get to work and back on round about £10 quid
    and will cut my fuel bill by about 2/3 rd's
    this of course means that the new 3.0 litre/landcruiser/whichever collapses in price the greatest(and aint there prices a tumblin)
    will be arriving at gwh towers sooner rather than later.
    it also means the poomobile can now be retired from front line duties and used as it was intended,for recreation and so on,it also means i will be able to take the thing apart a bit more comprehensively without needing it back for work,but saving at least £125 quid a week on fuel is my main priority.
    Non intercooled nothing.

  • #2
    Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
    well the deed is done.......................... ............

    i have given mrs gwh a migrane from doing the school run,general running round town etc. and for this, she is making me drive her 998cc
    3 cylinder ......omg.....corsa !!
    That's harsh mate, really harsh - you should have bought our Peugeot instead.......
    Too old to care, young enough to remember


    • #3
      Everyone is freeing up funds at the moment, fuel prices and credit crunch are harsh realities we all need to face. Looks like you got sorted out Gra.

      yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


      • #4
        Originally posted by MudSurfer View Post
        That's harsh mate, really harsh - you should have bought our Peugeot instead.......

        why thank you sir,cept i was trying to save money not spend another 6 grand

        Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
        Everyone is freeing up funds at the moment, fuel prices and credit crunch are harsh realities we all need to face. Looks like you got sorted out Gra.
        liquidating some assets alan !!

        just cannot justify spending 200 quid a wek on fuel,i was happy around the 100 quid mark,but since this govt decided to REALLY take the pi55 it left me with no choice.
        Non intercooled nothing.


        • #5
          Welcome to Tiddler town

          Welcome to being bullied by 4x4s (###### LRs, why can't they break down when you want em to?)

          Just make sure you use the correct pump when filling up.

          Enjoy the grin when you do fill up - damn is THAT it ?????

          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


          • #6
            £125 a week saved.... mate, your MOD account is going to be bursting!!!

            Get us some manual hubs will ya!


            • #7
              Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
              £125 a week saved.... mate, your MOD account is going to be bursting!!!

              Get us some manual hubs will ya!
              get yer blimmin own !!

              do believe that milners do em rod and they aint mega bucks,but the warn ones do look the dogs sphericals.and yes the modding cash is firstly going on

              a. paying for the american holiday at christmas(we have hired a chevy blazer...wahoo)

              b. saving up for a 3.0 litre/land cruiser,whichever is the best priced at the time of looking

              c.buying loads of fuel to go up to scottyland next year and do the clog and see some snow and use about(by then fuel will probably be about 25 quid a gallon) 1000 quids worth of derv
              Non intercooled nothing.


              • #8
                plz tell me u didn't buy a scenic?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
                  plz tell me u didn't buy a scenic?
                  its worse than that........... its chromed
                  Non intercooled nothing.


                  • #10
                    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by UDTrev View Post
                        just employing irony trev.

                        mr doom and bleedin gloom breakdance.....its a 500 quid motor for fracks sake!!
                        i wanted something for mrs gwh to run around town in,and for a t reg motor ,one owner,68000,full renault sh i would think 500 quid was well spent.

                        some of us have also been buying and selling for years as well
                        Non intercooled nothing.


                        • #13
                          My parents are on their second Scenic.

                          I don't mind this one, but I couldn't do long journeys in the old one, it seemed to have some plastic fumes that made me feel ill (I am not talking about the usual new car fumes)
                          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                            just employing irony trev.

                            mr doom and bleedin gloom breakdance.....its a 500 quid motor for fracks sake!!
                            i wanted something for mrs gwh to run around town in,and for a t reg motor ,one owner,68000,full renault sh i would think 500 quid was well spent.

                            some of us have also been buying and selling for years as well
                            cheers i luv u too!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by UDTrev View Post
                              My parents are on their second Scenic.

                              I don't mind this one, but I couldn't do long journeys in the old one, it seemed to have some plastic fumes that made me feel ill (I am not talking about the usual new car fumes)
                              its just to serve a purpose trev,to reallocate the HUGE amount of cash i spend a week on fuel and spend it on something tangible..............like hiring a chevy blazer
                              Non intercooled nothing.

