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Wow, diesel 90p per litre!!!!!!

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  • Wow, diesel 90p per litre!!!!!!

    hehehe!! just seen this thread from three years ago, made me larf!


  • #2

    I think if a "diesel is at 90ppl" thread popped up nowadays there would be grown men crying!!! I'd be beyond happy to see that price slash!!


    • #3
      Seen it at 135ppl around here today!


      • #4

        I heard it will be £2.30 a litre by the end of the year?

        If this is true then we are all fooked!

        I will be begging oil off chip shops and filtering it out in my shed!



        • #5
          I hope it wont go as far as £2.30 by the end of the year... shed loads of people will be screwed!! Even the 50+ mpg cars will be as expensive as our surfs were at the begining of the year!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
            I hope it wont go as far as £2.30 by the end of the year... shed loads of people will be screwed!! Even the 50+ mpg cars will be as expensive as our surfs were at the begining of the year!!
            One things for sure, they'll definitely need to build more prisons


            • #7
              Aint that the truth!! Although, if they end up looking like the one trev posted earlier this week (oh an have mixed sex...) Then it might be a decent alternative to being a First time buyer!!

              Gordon browns a t!t. If he just dropped a bit of the duty on fuel he would be a national hero an everyone would love the guy..... albeit short term!


              • #8
                Labour could more or less guarantee themselves a win at the elections by reducing tax on fuel so it's £1 per litre. There you go Gordon, you can sack your entire political marketing team and employ us instead.
                Reduce fuel duty = voted in
                Keep fuel duty same = voted out


                • #9
                  Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
                  If he just dropped a bit of the duty on fuel he would be a national hero an everyone would love the guy.....
                  Is that 'love the guy' as in we'd just kick him repeatedly in the face rather than going for the groin instead?


                  • #10
                    He looks like he's already been kicked repeatedly in the face. How would we know?

                    Personally, I'd still rather vote this bunch of lying scrotes out.
                    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Apache View Post
                      He looks like he's already been kicked repeatedly in the face. How would we know?
                      Via the foot to face/groin pleasure factor.

                      Originally posted by Apache View Post
                      Personally, I'd still rather vote this bunch of lying scrotes out.
                      Ain't that the truth.


                      • #12
                        Surfestein maybe it's time to make some bowsers as we're sure to need em soon n as we'll be towing em around wiv us soon !!!!!!!!!!!

                        There's always a Payback .... Ya just never ever see it Comin !!!!
                        Buncefield Burner

