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  • Update

    Just completed 181 miles from London to Littlehampton and back. Did 25.4 MPG which is the best i have ever had, so perhaps the Gas (HHO) unit is doing something. Up to now have apart from doing few miles to Fleet and back all my driving, if you can call it that is in London. I will go and have my emissions done in next couple of days as i have noticed if you put your foot down when driving along you would get a bit of smoke, but it would appear there is non now.
    Does anyone know if when going only 10-20 mph in town, is the air sucked in same as going fast?
    Also if anyone has an idea about making a hydrogen unit, but a bit better than two glass jars with plastic bits glued on top, i would be happy to hear from them. There must be a difference between $1000 and my unit $100.
    Still Searching,
    Dick Whittington

  • #2
    Just giving this a bump for the scientists to ignore


    • #3
      Originally posted by Philip View Post
      Does anyone know if when going only 10-20 mph in town, is the air sucked in same as going fast?
      Especially for sancho...

      Almost certainly. Intake airspeed (within normal limits) will have little effect on a turbo diesel.

      Did you do an mpg calculation before fitting the unit? Your current one doesn't sound anything out of the ordinary TBH.

      <edit> Reading this again, I dunno if you mean air quantity or air speed. Air speed - refer to my previous answer, air quantity, obviously not. Going faster requires more fuel, more fuel requires more air.
      Last edited by Apache; 11 June 2008, 17:53.
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #4
        I was gonna say what Andy did, it's about right MPG figure.

        yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


        • #5
          Originally posted by Philip View Post
          Also if anyone has an idea about making a hydrogen unit, but a bit better than two glass jars with plastic bits glued on top, i would be happy to hear from them. There must be a difference between $1000 and my unit $100.
          Any chance of some further info or pics regarding what setup you have at the moment? Why two jars, btw? Only one is required, is it not? It should be fairly easy to make a sturdier unit with possibly more output.

          Edit: Had a quick peek at their site, (it's like psychedelic torture), and just wanted to check. Is it just bog standard bicarb that they suggest using?
          Last edited by MattF; 16 June 2008, 04:47.


          • #6

            Email me on fuelcat@btconnect.com and will email some pictures back. I agree, that a far better system could be made. Two bottles as engine is 3 Ltr turbo. The gas from one, goes into the other and then out. I think they should be both seperate and then joined just before air intake, but i am no expert.
            Still Searching,
            Dick Whittington


            • #7
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