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finaly found the only local greenlane (malvern)

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  • finaly found the only local greenlane (malvern)

    hi there.
    if any of you are from malvern (worcestershire) i have found the only legal off road track. i have cleared some fallen trees and outher nasties, been down it a few times but it is very tight, thankfully i dont care to much about my paint!!!
    all along it was right under my nose, not joaking its about 500yards from my dads place on castle morton.
    anyway if anyone wants a go just ask me and i will tell where it is.

  • #2
    OK - I'm asking.

    You telling?
    Another member of the 'A' team


    • #3
      I go across the common towards Hollybush now and then. Never noticed anything. Got a map ref How long is it?
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #4
        i just found 2 new green lanes too
        not tryed them yet but one seems very short
        the other is too steep to be tarmaced but also sort

        i drove down one last week (blaming tom tom)
        i got to the end it just ran out i was in a farm?
        but the tom tom said it was a through road?
        farmer was not too happy but the road is even on googlearth has a through road

        can farmers close high ways like that? that are a through road

        i know of one that has put out sighns saying no through road
        but i know its bull sh1t i was useing that road about 15 years ago with my dad its called topbank lane runns over a roman ridge
        has done since the duke of york had his day
        its a proper high way
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #5
          Originally posted by The Lovely Boyo View Post
          OK - I'm asking.

          You telling?
          I 2nd those comments Where is it ?


          • #6
            Is there a prize to who finds it first? My money's on Apache!
            Too old to care, young enough to remember


            • #7

              hi all.
              the directions are as follows.
              get to the Welland crossroads with the hills behind you, turn right and go 80% of the way down the main drag of castlemorton straight, (if you get to the “ ploom of feathers” you have gone to far), there is a turning on the right and just opposite this there is what seems like a dirt road, go down it. You will get to the end and there is a gate in front of you and a steep slope on the left (with you can drive up). open the gate and you are there.
              It’s basically an L shape and if anyone wants to go down there you can go passenger in mine just to scope it out.
              There is a farm at the end and the farmer is sound about it, well has to be really as it is a green lane.


              • #8
                just had a look on streetmap and google maps, looks fairly open and well used for the first part, but unfortunately it's not a byway, and as such is probably closed since the introduction of NERC. It's a possibility that it's still open but get on to your local Rights of way office to check before you go.
                =SOLD UP!=


                • #9
                  i have been down there for the last 4 days playing around and spoke to the farmer who insists that its a green lane, as he is the only person there im sure its not that bad.

