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Biodiesel Available In South West London

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  • Hi Guys,

    I have been looking at purchasing my own WVO reprocessing plant. Found what looks like a good one for £1500. Having read all of this thread is processing WVO for personal use ecconomically viable?

    Has any of the members had or made their own plant??

    I would like to get some thoughts and opinions before I lay the dosh down.

    Regards Nigel
    Monster trucks, BIG,Loud,Fast, What's not to like?


    • Originally posted by Supertrux View Post
      I have been looking at purchasing my own WVO reprocessing plant. Found what looks like a good one for £1500. Having read all of this thread is processing WVO for personal use ecconomically viable?

      Has any of the members had or made their own plant??

      I would like to get some thoughts and opinions before I lay the dosh down.

      Even if that is an actual biodiesel processing/manufacturing system, you can build one for a damned sight cheaper than that. If it's just a WVO processing system, i.e: WVO in, dewatered and filtered WVO out, then you can absolutely build one for a damned sight cheaper than that.

      Which is it? WVO processor or biodiesel processor?


      • Originally posted by CaptainBeaky View Post
        The tribunal may draw their own conclusions from the above...
        The old saying about a picture can speak a thousand words rings all too true there.


        • Originally posted by MattF View Post
          It's been a fair old while since I last did any revision on the subject of bio, so the old memory may be somewhat off, but from what I remember, it definitely shouldn't be resembling Yoshie's filtered WVO. There is always the probability that some colouring will carry through, but a lot of it should be removed.

          Unless your analysis turns up any nuggets to the contrary, it ain't exactly disappointing my expectations, I can honestly say. I may end up being completely wrong, but I had a feeling this would turn out to be the usual 'processed' fare.

          p.s: With regards to flammability, I'm not sure on that one. I'll find out, however.

          The below shoite looks nothing like mine sir.

          If that's Bio Diesel I'm buying some heaters and meth and going into production
          Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
          well fan my brow,this stuff is FILTHY

          I thought it loked a little turbid,but crikey,im sure it should be filtered a lot more than this.anyway i left it in a nice cool place and allowed it to settle ..which it did.....and if i had used any of this,i would certainly change my fuel filter asap

          the pic aint great but an awful lot of solids have settled out.there should be some detergent ,lye,or maybe some catalyst from the transtesterification that escaped the cooking vessel,but this much ??

          the settled stuff covers the bottom inch of the bottle,dont look good


          • Originally posted by yoshie View Post
            The below shoite looks nothing like mine sir.
            I don't think anybody's could look as bad as that 'biodiesel'. Btw, I might have mis-phrased that sentence you quoted a tad. I only meant to compare the colour to yours, not the thing as a whole. The crud in it pretty much spoke for itself.

            Originally posted by yoshie View Post
            If that's Bio Diesel I'm buying some heaters and meth and going into production
            You'd be selling a better product than I've noted being sold by any of these so called commercial producers, (judging by all information I've seen so far).

            What really gets on my goat with these 'commercial biodiesel' producers though is the fact that they try to tout their wares as something special, (or even as just biodiesel), when it blatantly is neither. Most shed based DIY setups are producing far cleaner stuff than the shoite they're try to hawk.

            I've yet to come across one supplier that's mentioned so far who doesn't have something akin to a God complex and try to fob complete and utter crap off on people, whilst calling something which obviously couldn't be construed as such in any way or form, biodiesel. Btw, if you think I'm joking about the God complex thing, just look for the (mission statement, charter, or whatever term they use), (give me a vomit bag please), on their sites and you'll see what I mean. I still think the Welsh bloke, (if he's still going), rates highest on the puke scale though.
            Last edited by MattF; 30 June 2008, 17:40.


            • Wouldn't it be cheaper and easier to convert to petrol?


              • Originally posted by MattF View Post
                I still think the Welsh bloke, (if he's still going), rates highest on the puke scale though.
                Vince? He's not that bad really.

                What welsh bloke was this then Matt?
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • Originally posted by Apache View Post
                  What welsh bloke was this then Matt?
                  It might just be me who is a jaded, grouchy, pessimistic and unsociable git, (even though I know I'm not), but this one always get me reaching for the 'Christ, I'm gonna be sick', bag when it comes to, well, pious drivel and sputum. Like I say, I may just be a jaded soul though.



                  • i dont want to be

                    a. libellous

                    b.beaten by an angry "bio" supplier

                    c. to put this near my engine.

                    i did the 23/7 test today.i mixed 27 ml of sample and 3 ml of methanol together,mixed and.....well nothing,all absorbed.
                    i put 25 ml into a cuvette,added some phosphate reagent,and ....nowt.
                    i tried (with an amino acid marker) to look for sufactant ....there was none.
                    (although this may have had something to do with it being well washed.....but those solids.......hhmmm)
                    i cant find any methanol marker in it,but that may be because its so full of solids.
                    i pipetted some solids out and put them in the cooker,and they ignited at 89 c well before the 105 c threshold.
                    tomorrow i am going to attempt to find out quite how much solids there are in the sample,but i think i may be on a hiding to nothing.
                    during this i will find out exactly how much water there is in this sample

                    as a mixed liqour volume index( mlvi) it needs to be below a certain threshold as per the british standard laid out for bio fuel.
                    as a guide,waste water from a thickener needs to be returned through the works at less than 1000 parts per million total suspended solids,the wasteater sample i did the mlvi on today has comsiderably less settlement than the bio sample i have.....

                    watch this space,but muj...mister....it aint looking good.

                    and isclarisissisisis (cant remember your name dude)

                    change that fuel filter and tip the rest away
                    Non intercooled nothing.


                    • BL**DY HELL, glad i've never bothered with the biodiesel on offer round here!
                      Been running just short of 50% SVO for nearly a year now with no side effects!
                      www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk


                      • Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                        i dont want to be

                        a. libellous

                        b.beaten by an angry "bio" supplier

                        c. to put this near my engine.

                        i did the 23/7 test today.i mixed 27 ml of sample and 3 ml of methanol together,mixed and.....well nothing,all absorbed.
                        i put 25 ml into a cuvette,added some phosphate reagent,and ....nowt.
                        i tried (with an amino acid marker) to look for sufactant ....there was none.
                        (although this may have had something to do with it being well washed.....but those solids.......hhmmm)
                        i cant find any methanol marker in it,but that may be because its so full of solids.
                        i pipetted some solids out and put them in the cooker,and they ignited at 89 c well before the 105 c threshold.
                        tomorrow i am going to attempt to find out quite how much solids there are in the sample,but i think i may be on a hiding to nothing.
                        during this i will find out exactly how much water there is in this sample

                        as a mixed liqour volume index( mlvi) it needs to be below a certain threshold as per the british standard laid out for bio fuel.
                        as a guide,waste water from a thickener needs to be returned through the works at less than 1000 parts per million total suspended solids,the wasteater sample i did the mlvi on today has comsiderably less settlement than the bio sample i have.....

                        watch this space,but muj...mister....it aint looking good.

                        and isclarisissisisis (cant remember your name dude)

                        change that fuel filter and tip the rest away

                        Never mind all that, is it good enough to mix with ginger ale?


                        • its fine for that vince (or doing your chips in)
                          Non intercooled nothing.


                          • Wow Gra!

                            OK, I remember a few people on this forum who get upset when some of us question people who turn up here and try to sell stuff. People who seem to think that because someone is selling 'cheap bio' its great for us all and we should leave them be.

                            I hope everyone here can see the benefits of vigilance, healthy cynicism, and intelligent questioning by people who know their subject.

                            I'll get off my soapbox now
                            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                            • why thank you oh great and wise sticker god !!

                              i thought today it had the makings of a vx220 thread,but where is the bio guy ??

                              im not being vindictive,but waste and its treatment/consequences are a subject i find at length disgusting (i dont bake my own poo anymore ) yet fascinating.im wondering if the enviroment agency hold the same view
                              Non intercooled nothing.


                              • Thanks Graham for all your time & effort.

                                Were the tests the same on both the samples?

                                Were both samples similar?

                                I went round to see Muj at lunch time

                                Popped out back later!

