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Biodiesel Available In South West London

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  • Biodiesel Available In South West London

    Hi everyone, good evening.

    Please allow me to introduce myself. my name is Muj and I am the MD of Gemini BIofuels. We are a South West London Based Manufacturer of very high quality Biodiesel. We call our fuel BIO+ as it has been developed to have many advantages over standard Biodiesel.

    The main reason that I joined this site was because I am a huge toyota Hilux Surf fan and also because this site was recommended to me by an existing member who is using my fuel in his Hilux.

    Some of the benifits of using BIO+ is your vehicles include:-
    • It is cost Effective
    • Environmentally Friendly
    • You require NO mods to your vehicles
    • Increased mileage and performance (with regular use)
    • Saving of over 30p per litre when compared to diesel

    We are currently charging £1 per litre, but if you are a member of this forum you will get a 5p per litre discount, making it 95p per litre.

    Any questions, please to not hesitate to post a reply or email me.

    thank you

  • #2
    Your address


    • #3
      I have a question. What are the 'many advantages' it has over standard biodiesel?

      (and why haven't you paid to advertise your business on this forum)
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #4
        Hi apache,

        I'm sorry, I'm new to the site, i didn't know that you needed to pay. I hope that I haven't ####ed anyone off.

        The main advantages that BIO+ has over diesel are:-
        • BIO+ is More Cost Effective
        • BIO+ is alot better for the environment
        • BIO+ burns Cleaner the diesel and there is no smog/black smoke
        • BIO+ will help to clean the engine from the inside out leaving a better performing engine

        Apache, Tigar asked for my business address, may i post it?

        I'm asking as a don't really want to step on anyones toes. When you're a guest in another mans house you don't reach into the refridgerator without asking permission.


        • #5
          Well, its good form to ask the admins if you can advertise a business before just jumping in and doing it. Who's the member using your fuels BTW?

          Your answers dont really say why YOUR bio is better than other BIO which you suggested in your first post. What you wrote is basically a load of rhetoric.

          I'm not being arsey, its just we get a lot of spammers on here, and there's a few scientists / engineers (me included) on here who would like a little more evidence than 'our stuff is better cos we say so'

          Offer up hard evidence of WHY your stuff is better and we'll be happy to reward you with lots of customers I'm sure.

          I doubt anyone would mind you posting where your bio can be bought.
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #6
            interested in your fuel if you can convince the cynics

            what part of sw london are you in ??

            perhaps you could post more details ie minimum litres ?? containers or pump etc
            Only Toyota can get you out of shite


            • #7
              I totally understand your point, and your right. of course you need hard evidence. I misread your first reply, I thought that you were asking why BIO+ is better then standard diesel.

              ok, the reason why BIO+ is better the stardard biodiesel is this:-

              biodiesel has always been know to be very sluggish when it comes to its performance. we have overcame this problem by making BIO+ much more refined as a fuel then standard biodiesel. BIO+ goes through a much better processing and filtering process then the standard biodiesel that people make in the garages.

              BIO+ can boast of an additional 20% reduction in harmful emissions when compared with standard biodiesel, and we are currently working on increasing this as much as possible by changing our production methods.

              Due to our production methods, BIO+ has much greater lubricity properties to that of standard biodiesel, meaning that the internal componants on the engine and fuel system are better lubricated and so will last longer.

              Before i post the name of the member who refer to the site, I need to ask him if he is ok with that. I will speak to him tomorrow and get back to you.


              • #8
                OK, fine re. the member, but again you aint saying much other than 'ours is better cos we do better stuff with it'

                What I and others are interested in is HOW you make more power, WHY its cleaner, WHY it lubricates more etc etc.

                If you cant answer these questions with proper science, then its no better than saying 'it just is, right!', which for me (any many others on here) isn't good enough.

                I know you have a product to sell, but if you cant back it up with facts, be prepared for a good kicking by some of the members here. However, in your favour, the price is pretty good. You would need to offer tangible reasons why this is better than just lobbing bookers / costco veg oil in the tank at 83p a litre though before I'd be interested.
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #9
                  how about wow,cheap bio,thankgod??lol


                  • #10
                    Hi Apache,

                    I do understand where you are coming from and your point of view, but please understand my point of view too. my friends and I all have a background in chemistry and we have work long and hard to develope a fuel which is superior to standard biodiesel. We are doing things with the biodiesel which other have not clocked on too and so as i'm sure that you can appricate, I do not want to go deep into the details of the how's, why's and when's. but the major differences occur souly due to our production method.

                    The effects of getting more power and a cleaner burning fuel both come from reacting the waste vegetable oil in a different chemical mixure to the way in which standard biodiesel is made. The better lubricity properties come from 1. using a better quality of used oil and 2. due to the delicate balance of the chemicals that we use.

                    ***The following is based solely on information from the internet as well as my own personal tests. I know that the fuel of other members on this site will be different and i respect that***

                    Also, on the point of using veg oil straight into your vehicle. We have found that yes in the short term it is possible to use veg oil from makro in your vehicle, but over the long term this will have a negetive effect on it due to the unprocessed nature of veg oil. veg oil has alot of fatty acids, and these will with time start to clog up the inside of your engine and fuel system in the same way that fat clogs the a heart.


                    • #11
                      sonis it a pump affair?barrel?deliveries?


                      • #12
                        I fully appreciate that you dont want to give away trade secrets, but I will now stand aside and let people who DO know a fair bit about chemistry take over as I am still unconvinced by the lack of anything more than 'man in the street' level of information (No offence intended), and I do not agree with some of your assertions.

                        I'm an electronics engineering man myself, but engineering is engineering, and all aspects draw out the same sort of enquiring, rigorous demands.

                        I still say your price is good though, and wish you good luck with your venture.
                        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                        • #13
                          hi joker,

                          we are based in Merton, SW19. and minimum orders depend on where you live. we can supply the fuel to you in jerri cans, 100L containers, 210L container or 1000L IBCs, but we also provide a retail point so you can drop by and fill up ur vehicle as you wish.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Apache View Post
                            as I am still unconvinced by the lack of anything more than 'man in the street' level of information (No offence intended), and I do not agree with some of your assertions.
                            Same here.

                            1) We have no idea whether you are a chemist or not. You could be talking complete and utter bunkum. Hell, I could say I'm a porn star. It doesn't mean I am one.

                            2) Proof and giving away your 'trade secrets', (and I'm not inferring you used that exact phrase, but seriously, that type of 'intent of meaning' makes me distrust anything you say even more), are two totally separate things. Back up your claims with proven fact, not hearsay or opinion.

                            3) If you're trying to sell the stuff, why the chuff does no-one still have the faintest idea where you are or how to contact you?

                            If I sound bitchy and unbelieving, tough. You ain't exactly helping yourself at the minute mate. Oh, and with regards to posting commercial advertisements on a forum without gaining prior permission first is nothing to do with rules in general. It's called common decency, respect and etiquette.

                            Now get your finger out and provide any information that can even remotely resemble useful.
                            Last edited by MattF; 8 June 2008, 12:38.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
                              how about wow,cheap bio,thankgod??lol
                              Good price and good quality can be two very different things. Unless he gives some actual proof that this stuff ain't akin to some of the skanky crap that gets palmed off as bio, then I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole personally. Also, if they are an actual manufacturing company, as he seems to suggest, then then should have, as a matter of course, more specific info than you can shake a stick at with regards to tests done and scientifically proven claims and figures. We ain't seen a jot of it yet.

