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off to Eastnor Castle in a bit... The Shame...

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  • off to Eastnor Castle in a bit... The Shame...

    well then the shame......

    I am off to Eastnor Castle a bit later 2day for the weekend.......
    I am sooooooo ashamed to say as it's the Lan....
    try again Land.....

    d@mn I just cant type the whole word, well some 60th birthday celebration weekend....

    As most of u know my mate sell's CB's and stuff so he booked a stand there to make some money..... and asked me to come...

    I am going in the surf tho and have printed a banner saying:

    TOYOTA RULES.......

    So lets hope I get out of there with all my windows hahaha

    Wish me luck.......lol
    One day at the time I guess..

  • #2
    give me a wave as you go past, or PM me your moby number. I'm only 10 minutes up the road from there. pop in for a cuppa!
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #3
      Originally posted by Apache View Post
      give me a wave as you go past, or PM me your moby number. I'm only 10 minutes up the road from there. pop in for a cuppa!
      PM send...
      One day at the time I guess..


      • #4
        May see you down there as i am booked on the off road course early tomorrow


        • #5
          Originally posted by Growler View Post
          May see you down there as i am booked on the off road course early tomorrow
          Make sure you empty the boot of the truck before you go round - you need space to collect all the bits that have fallen off the bland rovers that have been round before you
          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !

