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Spam site

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  • Spam site

    Is there a site anywhere where you can post an email address (spammers) which would then leave them open to having their email address bogged down by cr@p?

    I would like to do this to the many 'lottery companies' and 'foreign businessmen' who keep pestering me with offers of money for nothing.

    Here's the latest if you want to fill his inbox. He's an executive of Nat West Bank, and would like to give me £12.5M.

    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    Scamming the scammers

    Hey Apache
    Go one better and scam them back- have a look at this site- its great there are lots of people who are starting the scam the scammers back, wasting their time so they can't scam too many others.
    Have a scan through some of the ones they have done, they're great and serves the money grubbing b******s right!


    • #3
      copy out the header, and paste it into the email and forward it to spam or abuse @ appropriate domain...

      most of them are now held responsible for mails their users send out... some do take that responsibility quite seriously.


      • #4
        Yeah, have had a good read on there but dont have the time or the inclination really.

        What I want is a purpose made site that gets lots of hits from email harvesting bots (like this one probably!) where I can post email addresses of the people who spam me, so their email addresses become unusable in a very short time.

        I guess something like that would be open to abuse though...
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          Originally posted by Apache View Post
          Is there a site anywhere where you can post an email address (spammers) which would then leave them open to having their email address bogged down by cr@p?
          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


          • #6
            Any other eaters on here?? I have a couple of good ones on the go just now

            If you want to see full return paths click show full or original deatails and paste into this program. The last listed is normally the country of origin.



            • #7
              Originally posted by AndyLala View Post
              copy out the header, and paste it into the email and forward it to spam or abuse @ appropriate domain...

              most of them are now held responsible for mails their users send out... some do take that responsibility quite seriously.
              Please don't do this

              Many scambiters spend weeks or months running these guys ragged. If you shut the email account the baiters sometimes lose them. The Scammer can be back with a new email addy in mins.

              We normally move them onto email accounts we have more control of, but please don't shut email accounts. It hurts us not them.If they send real bank details report that asap.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Apache View Post
                Is there a site anywhere where you can post an email address (spammers) which would then leave them open to having their email address bogged down by cr@p?
                Going into pedant mode for a moment, if you do things like that, you are, in effect, becoming a spammer yourself. Plus, what you have to remember is that you will, a lot of the time, be seeing some unfortunate sods e-mail address rather than an actual spammers.

                You are not taking into account spoofed addresses, virii, trojans, bots or stolen webmail details.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MattF View Post
                  you are, in effect, becoming a spammer yourself. Plus, what you have to remember is that you will, a lot of the time, be seeing some unfortunate sods e-mail address rather than an actual spammers.
                  Hence "I guess something like that would be open to abuse though..."
                  Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Apache View Post
                    Hence "I guess something like that would be open to abuse though..."
                    I wasn't taking a dig, just pointing out some of the pitfalls.

                    Ideas like this tend to cause far more problems than they cure. The only method I would recommend, where spam is concerned, is just to use a good spam filtering software. Server wise, you have the RBL's and such that you can utilise too, but desktop wise, you're a tad more limited.

