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something to do

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  • something to do

    i start jury servise this morning
    well it seems that i may have to drive through the floods in sheffield
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

  • #2
    Could be interesting George, both the trip and the court case, does the case involve "percy filth?"
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #3
      i got ill before i was prossed
      i dont know if it was the shock of being told i was needed for 10 days
      with at leased 1 trail a day if any trail run over i would be there for 3 weeks

      apart from the chairs that made my legs go dead and the sharp pains in my belly
      then the hot flushers started

      i knew then i could not last the day out never mind 2-3 weeks

      it sooooon came back to me why i sit at home bord all day
      if i could do 2-3 weeks in an office enveroment i would have a job
      to be honest i was a little gutted
      yep it gets that boring
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

