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Not much to do with surfs but travel info req'd

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  • Not much to do with surfs but travel info req'd

    Hi all again!!
    Usual problem child having a few dramas on travel across Europe and could do with some input!

    Going to move to Italy (Latina just south of Rome )for a while and will be traveling from Poole to Le Harve at the end of the month... all sorted for going, but having problems with best route etc...... & the main one does anyone know of a good hotel chain or hotel to stop off at on the way that would take our two German shepherds & my lil one (Daughter aged 3 and cant figure out what to take with to keep her happy apart from DVD player....all ideas welcome!!! ) missus got some info on decent hotels (a whizz on the internet but we don't know that area) that takes dogs but would prefer personal experience if available also what kit would be handy to take with....spares etc....?....within reason!!

    Also just off the top of your heads does anyone know of companies i.e rough trax etc that ship to BFPO's (for bits for the surf...prob might be with couriers as it's not to a specific address & if you do BFPO its national postage instead of international)

    Cheers in advance....
    Last edited by wiggy; 2 June 2008, 22:56. Reason: Adding
    The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming

  • #2
    most places should ship to UK forces addresses overseas, as the couriers only charge UK delivery to them anyway don't they?
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      Just got an email from Barry (i think) @ roughtrax the other day.... really helpful and had sent me some stuff before with next day delivery (well pretty much!)....wont ship to BFPO as its not a person (insurance etc...) and may get lost in the post... cant see it happening as i dont think there will be that many surfs out there belonging to forces.... maybe something to do with knocking the tax off (which a lot of companies used to do when i was in Germany....fair few years ago now tho).
      The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


      • #4
        cant you stock up on filter kits and belts before you go? get the truck looked over just to make sure its all in order, if not take the bits with you


        • #5
          Yea im gonna get it checked and do a service before we go but im going to be over there for 2/3 years and will be taking a few spares. but not too many as we are traveling with missus (pregnant)/daughter & 2 dogs in the truck not to mention being a bit skint after forking out for tickets money for fuel/hotels etc....will get it back but not till im over there so stocking up isn't really an option other than a few things.
          The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


          • #6
            If you get really stuck for parts, i'm sure there's people on here or family or friends in the UK you could get parts shipped to then have them send them on to you. I know that means you're paying postage twice but it'll still be cheaper than main dealer parts.

            There's a few sellers on ebay who might be able to help you with a few things, SDN direct is one.
            =SOLD UP!=

