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Tried something new today(not very nice)

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  • Tried something new today(not very nice)

    I was out tidying the truck this afternnon, when i realised my speech was slured and what I was hearing in my head was not was coming out of my mouth. I finished the motor and drove home. the wife put me in her car ( the shame could have been fatal) drove me to basildon Hospital where they carried out test and informed me I'd suffered a mini stroke,

    I'm fine now as my speech has return, BUT I can't drive till I've been back later in the week and they have given me the all clear.

    The sad part is I'm beginning to realise i might be getting older, does this mean i should be thinking of getting an old mans car?

  • #2
    sorry to hear the news mate. keep the truck as it will always make you feel young


    • #3
      Sucks mate, we've been through this with Sassy awhile back, so know exactly what you're going through.

      Sounds like you got off pretty lightly considering, she has only just been able to drive her Surf again after 3 months, thats really distressing!!

      Stay well mate, you've done so much for others, let them do something for you for a change. Don't rush anything and take it easy.
      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #4
        "The sad part is I'm beginning to realise i might be getting older, does this mean i should be thinking of getting an old mans car?"

        You are already it's a 2.4!

        Joking aside Tony, we all get older everyday so we just need to keep living for now, get out there and it enjoy it!

        yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


        • #5
          sorry to hear m8 hope eveything is ok now n your feeling fit but take it easy for a while m8


          • #6
            Take it easy and take of yousrelf mate.


            • #7
              Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
              "The sad part is I'm beginning to realise i might be getting older, does this mean i should be thinking of getting an old mans car?"

              You are already it's a 2.4!

              Joking aside Tony, we all get older everyday so we just need to keep living for now, get out there and it enjoy it!
              spot on mate
              SWIFT AND BOLD


              • #8
                Sorry to hear that Tony, take it easy,

                i dont feel old untill i do something
                Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                • #9
                  Thanks to you all for your best wishes, but this could have it's good points, when gardening was mentioned the phrase " not sure I'm up to that" had the subject dropped without a second mention. Would I be a bad person to mtake advantage of this situation and have a few days merely walking the pup to the local coffee shop and chilling out?


                  • #10
                    Hey mate sorry for the late wishes but hope u well,
                    Take it easy for a while and take care of yourself.
                    One day at the time I guess..


                    • #11
                      Sorry to hear that mate,take it easy!
                      www.europa88.co.uk Loadsa mods!


                      • #12
                        Sorry to hear what's happened Tony, take it easy and get well soon.

                        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Puppywalker View Post
                          Thanks to you all for your best wishes, but this could have it's good points, when gardening was mentioned the phrase " not sure I'm up to that" had the subject dropped without a second mention. Would I be a bad person to mtake advantage of this situation and have a few days merely walking the pup to the local coffee shop and chilling out?
                          sorry to hear about you having a stroke tony ,glad to see your still on the ball [gardening lol] i use the old hayfever to get around that one
                          if i was a dr i would advise you to pop down the coffee shop with the pup and chillout
                          joking apart mate take it easy
                          Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                          • #14
                            Milk it for all its worth!! whats the point of getting sick if you cant get it to work for you at least a bit!! hope you get on the mend soon though. keep an eye on your blood pressure and stay well!
                            it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


                            • #15
                              Sorry to hear that - hope you are back to normal soon

                              With regards to the driving, not sure on your personal situation but the DVLA don't need to be notified unless you are not driving for a month, so am assuming its the doc's that have said wait. So if they give you the all clear soon it's all fine

