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engine oil

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  • engine oil

    so you can run the surfs on veg can you run them on engine oil?? got a good offer on 10L 15w 40 mineral engine oil £10!! got me thinking if fule and veg go up could i use this stuff in the tank? and is it legal??

  • #2
    Hi Ross, How's things?

    I really wouldn't do that if I was you. New pump and injectors are quite expensive y'know!

    If I was given fresh engine oil I wouldn't put it in my tank, only the sump lol
    Another member of the 'A' team


    • #3
      Oh well Just a thought good job i checked first lol!


      • #4
        Originally posted by hiroler View Post
        so you can run the surfs on veg can you run them on engine oil?? got a good offer on 10L 15w 40 mineral engine oil £10!! got me thinking if fule and veg go up could i use this stuff in the tank? and is it legal??
        Bad idea, but if you do think about giving it a go get the camera out you will have to put it on youtube.
        Show me where the trench is at or can i make one!


        • #5
          I don't see how £10 for £10 litres is a good deal if you want to use it for fuel, which as previously stated I would strongly advise against.

          Costco are selling veggie at £17 for 20 litres,which equates to 86p a litre, you'd be much better off buying that.
          'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


          • #6
            I did buy it to use as engine oil not as fuel! I was just thinking if prices continue to rise!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by hiroler View Post
              I did buy it to use as engine oil not as fuel! I was just thinking if prices continue to rise!!
              Ah, I see. I'll consider myself corrected.
              'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


              • #8
                Hey Ross where you been hiding?? come and say hi on corc, been a while. ya coming to Shottle this weekend mate

