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East Kimberley 4wd Trip Western Australia

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  • East Kimberley 4wd Trip Western Australia

    Just got back from a 2 week patrol into the east kimberley in the north of Western Australia.

    Drove the Gibb river road, visited elquestro station, lake argyle, Wyndham, Kununurra, numerous rivers & waterways, went croc spotting with the wildlife officers and saw some pretty awesome sights and all of it was work.

    We took a work 6 cylinder cruiser ute which performed flaweless over the pretty nasty conditions we put it through.

    Heres some photo's of the many i took

    Cheers Matt
    Last edited by hilux2.8; 3 May 2009, 12:05.
    Harden the Fuk Up Princess

  • #2
    Fantastic pictures mate!
    www.europa88.co.uk Loadsa mods!


    • #3
      oh no

      I want to go abck more than anything.........
      Nice pic's mate very nice....
      I miss that area sooooooooo much

      I just posted some pics the other day too


      see if u recognize it........
      Last edited by TobyJug; 23 May 2008, 13:03.
      One day at the time I guess..


      • #4
        Saw it tonight

        Gday Tobyjug,

        Just got back from dinner from dampier terrace in broome and saw the same company truck parked up. Its amazing who you bump into on the world of the internet.
        Am going on another trip through there soon whats your favourite areas

        Cheers Matt
        Harden the Fuk Up Princess


        • #5
          Those place names, pic's, what a country!! I look out my window and i could cry,
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


          • #6
            Fantastic, ###### jealous here.

            yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


            • #7
              Originally posted by hilux2.8 View Post
              Gday Tobyjug,

              Just got back from dinner from dampier terrace in broome and saw the same company truck parked up. Its amazing who you bump into on the world of the internet.
              Am going on another trip through there soon whats your favourite areas

              Cheers Matt
              Gday mate,

              sorry for the late reply...
              got off-roading and then forgot.....
              Yeah allterrain has been taken over though since I drove for them..
              I used to drive the west coast and the Gibb river road..
              I see u been there lol

              I have heard from a mate who still drives there that is has become more and more commercial over the last 3 years, shame...

              I used to love the area around Wyndham and also Kununurra but more even if u go a bit more off track...
              also I love the Geikie Gorge area and the Fitzroy River.......

              I miss WA a lot as they say there are only two states to be in WA and ####ed

              wish I cud come home.... altho I am Dutch born WA is my home...
              Last edited by TobyJug; 26 May 2008, 02:32.
              One day at the time I guess..


              • #8
                Originally posted by hilux2.8 View Post
                Just got back from a 2 week patrol into the east kimberley in the north of Western Australia.

                Drove the Gibb river road, visited elquestro station, lake argyle, Wyndham, Kununurra, numerous rivers & waterways, went croc spotting with the wildlife officers and saw some pretty awesome sights and all of it was work.

                We took a work 6 cylinder cruiser ute which performed flaweless over the pretty nasty conditions we put it through.

                Heres some photo's of the many i took

                Cheers Matt
                Nice piccy's, looks like a fantastic bit of country, when you say "2 weeks on patrol" are you in the forces/rescue/wildlife service?

                I'd love to do sommat like that, at least once or twice a year.

                PS: Love that first pic.

                Still working for the man!


                • #9
                  Gday Plumb Bob

                  Work for The Dept of Fisheries as a Fisheries and Marine officer.

                  Part of my job is to patrol the communities, sea's, lakes, inland rivers & waterways of the remote North West of Western Australia.

                  We work in with other departments with such projects as croc tagging, illegal indonesian fishing / people smuggling patrols, turtle monitoring, native title projects and too many more to mention.

                  So part of my work involves getting paid to go to some pretty awesome spots by boat, 4wd, quad bikes, or by aircraft.

                  We get some great toys and have plenty of fun using them.

                  Cheers Matt
                  Harden the Fuk Up Princess


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by hilux2.8 View Post
                    Work for The Dept of Fisheries as a Fisheries and Marine officer.

                    Part of my job is to patrol the communities, sea's, lakes, inland rivers & waterways of the remote North West of Western Australia.

                    We work in with other departments with such projects as croc tagging, illegal indonesian fishing / people smuggling patrols, turtle monitoring, native title projects and too many more to mention.

                    So part of my work involves getting paid to go to some pretty awesome spots by boat, 4wd, quad bikes, or by aircraft.

                    We get some great toys and have plenty of fun using them.

                    Cheers Matt
                    It's official then! We all hate you!

                    yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."

