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Demo next Tuesday

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  • Demo next Tuesday

    Just got sent this by the wife:

    Drivers and businesses are becoming increasingly "desperate" after record increases in the cost of fuel, the AA has warned.

    It issued the alert as the price of crude oil in the US hit a record high of $130 a barrel.

    The AA says the average price of diesel rose 6.76p to 124.17p a litre between mid-April and mid-May.

    That was the biggest monthly jump of the decade and comes just six months after the previous record increase of 5.6p.

    The average price of petrol at the pumps has risen 4.49p a litre in the last month, with the cost now 112.55p a litre.

    Angry lorry drivers are planning what organisers hope will be the largest-ever fuel duty protest in London next week.

    Led by hauliers from Kent, the demo next Tuesday is likely to involve hundreds of trucks.

    A delegation will hand in a letter to 10 Downing Street demanding an immediate rebate on duty.

    Mike Presneill, a leading member of lobby group Transaction 2007, said: "The Government has the power to act but appears not to be listening.

    "Hundreds of UK transport firms are being driven to the wall. Thousands of UK jobs are being lost."

    Kent-based haulier Peter Knight said: "This is the economics of the mad house. If the Prime Minister doesn't listen the Government will lose out.

    AA president Edmund King said: "The price rises in recent days were of a magnitude only exceeded in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, when the price of petrol rose almost 3.5p in a week.

    "With many UK families embarking on their holidays next week, the timing could hardly be worse."

    Sky's Business Editor Michael Wilson said "We're all feeling the pinch as we pay more and more to fill up our cars, heat and light our homes as the cost of energy soars.

    "We've had yet more record highs in the price of crude oil, that's only going push up costs for us all."

  • #2
    good on them, still it'll probably fall on deaf ears at number 10
    Hold my beer and watch this


    • #3
      Could be the reason I'm moving to France!
      No pussyfooting around.


      [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B][I][SIZE=3]When the going gets tough - Get out !!![/SIZE][/I][/B][/FONT]


      • #4
        Heres hoping it doesnt go like the last protest, 1 man and his Lorry, sure that will put all london to a standstill. we need to have a surf convoy for protesting


        • #5
          Originally posted by The Kid View Post
          Could be the reason I'm moving to France!
          No pussyfooting around.


          Well, the ferry to Cherbourg just left a couple of hours ago. We'll probably get some overspill of operation stack heading here.
          Hold my beer and watch this


          • #6
            I cannot believe that, from an electioneering point of view, that this govt doesn't slash fuel tax.

            They are the most unpopular labout government for 80 years or something, yet they still seem to have the self destruct button firmly pressed.

            Oh well, I for one will be glad to see the back of Brown and his incompetents when the inevitable happens.
            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #7
              I would love to go, but cannot afford the fuel to get there................
              Working at last.......


              • #8
                wonder if they will pay the congestion charge??
                Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                • #9
                  I think No 10 Downing street will be crapping itself....

                  Bear with me... roughly 70% of the price of fuel is duty, a goverment report identified two tipping points in fuel prices when the consumer will be forced to make radical changes in their lifestyle, thats fuel at £1.50 and £2.00 per litre respectively.

                  As people cut down on petrol and diesel consumption ....or change to public transport.... the tax raised on fuel duty will plummet.
                  So what can goverment do? it can raise the fuel duty even more or start making cuts in other areas of expenditure.
                  Last edited by Vultch; 21 May 2008, 19:20.

                  Back in the day Baby


                  • #10
                    Its not rocket science, this country is based on transport like it or not. Fuel cost will drive this government out as public transport is an expensive joke outside of the big cities.

                    If they lowered the duty on fuel, to help us out as oil prices are so high, we could still buy enough to keep the tax money coming in, and people would appriciate the effort. (don't forget the VAT they are raking in with these price rises)

                    100p a liter I can afford, and they still get a cut, 150p a liter and I'll use a bike, and they lose out completely.

                    Originally posted by Vultch View Post
                    I think No 10 Downing street will be crapping itself....

                    Bear with me... roughly 70% of the price of fuel is duty, a goverement report identified two tipping points in fuel prices when the consumer will be forced to make radical changes in their lifestyle, thats fuel at £1.50 and £2.00 per litre respectively.

                    As people cut down on petrol and diesel consumption ....or change to public transport.... the tax raised on fuel duty will plummet.
                    So what can goverment do? it can raise the fuel duty even more or start making cuts in other areas of expenditure.
                    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                    • #11
                      Tony ya asking a Government to thing practical....
                      Never known one yet that has !!!!
                      There all short sighted when it comes to being practical... they always know how to be un ethical tho ....

                      There's always a Payback .... Ya just never ever see it Comin !!!!
                      Buncefield Burner

