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'Big brother"?

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  • 'Big brother"?


  • #2
    Saw this bit of news this morning. The level of surveillance in this country is getting ridiculous even before this insane idea. Just how far can we let the authorities go in the name of 'National Security' before we wake up and realise that all the liberties that so many people fought and died for over centuries have just evaporated. We'll all be tagged next!


    • #3
      It's worse here than it was in communist russia. The state is taking to much interest in our lives. It's all a drive to control us. Seems to be working to, the way we sheepishly allow it to happen.


      • #4
        Basically a knee jerk 'shut the door after the horse has bolted' reaction of a government who dont have a clue who is in the country because they lost control of the borders years ago.
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          I would suggest looking HERE!

          I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Apache View Post
            Basically a knee jerk 'shut the door after the horse has bolted' reaction of a government who dont have a clue who is in the country because they lost control of the borders years ago.
            agree with you m8 they dont know who's in the country been a few programmes on lately bout immagrants etc.
            i sort of believe in ID cards but not for british people who have a long family history in this country but for foreingers who want to come n live here only, want to live here carry a id card.


            • #7
              Steady chaps, a log is already kept of all calls made, but its only kept for 3 months, I think. All this will do is keep the information indefinetly. Or untill the disc/ file/ laptop is lost/ left on a bus/stolen.
              Remember - If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to fear. (is this right?)
              it's in me shed, mate.


              • #8

                Sorry Will but for ID cards to work then EVERYBODY must have one, be obliged to carry it and produce it on demand ! The problem with only foreigners carrying them is that you can't tell who's foreign and who's not

                As for the recording and storage of emails and phone conversations - I think you'll find that our security services already monitor and store items based on their content. Try sending a few emails with the keywords B 0 M B and S E M T E X etc ......

                Life is too important to take seriously !


                • #9
                  Think it's time to leave the country
                  This is just going to far...

                  New zealand, Australia, Canada anyone??
                  One day at the time I guess..


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TobyJug View Post
                    Think it's time to leave the country
                    This is just going to far...

                    New zealand, Australia, Canada anyone??
                    I'm going to start my own country, just need somewhere to put it. This country is getting a little too much like Orwell's 1984.
                    Hold my beer and watch this


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Predictable Bob View Post

                      Sorry Will but for ID cards to work then EVERYBODY must have one, be obliged to carry it and produce it on demand ! The problem with only foreigners carrying them is that you can't tell who's foreign and who's not

                      As for the recording and storage of emails and phone conversations - I think you'll find that our security services already monitor and store items based on their content. Try sending a few emails with the keywords B 0 M B and S E M T E X etc ......

                      dont be sorry bob its just a thought at end of day as we dont really have a choice either way really what mp will really ever listen to us brits but i do see what your saying bob


                      • #12
                        What the government is talking about is to legalize what they are already doing, if you tax your car, do they know who owns it? When it was MOT’d? and when you insured it?, that will all have a link to your drivers number which will tell them when and where you were born and that will tell them your national insurance number, this will tell them where you live and where you work, from all of this they will know your passport number and if you are in the country or not, emails are already being read and telephone calls recorded, as for mobile phones, that just makes things easier, as a cell phone can be traced to some degree

                        This is all old hat technology, the problem lies when it is all controlled by one organization, just like what they did with the CSA.

                        Ps. Your computer has a MAC address which identifies that machine on the internet

                        Just face it, we are all tagged already, its just a case of how legal it will become and how much money the government can throw at it before to many questions are asked..

                        That’s just my thoughts, Mr. Government man
                        When ya stop having fun, Ya start getting old


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by roylittle0 View Post
                          What the government is talking about is to legalize what they are already doing, if you tax your car, do they know who owns it? When it was MOT’d? and when you insured it?, that will all have a link to your drivers number which will tell them when and where you were born and that will tell them your national insurance number, this will tell them where you live and where you work, from all of this they will know your passport number and if you are in the country or not, emails are already being read and telephone calls recorded, as for mobile phones, that just makes things easier, as a cell phone can be traced to some degree

                          This is all old hat technology, the problem lies when it is all controlled by one organization, just like what they did with the CSA.

                          Ps. Your computer has a MAC address which identifies that machine on the internet

                          Just face it, we are all tagged already, its just a case of how legal it will become and how much money the government can throw at it before to many questions are asked..

                          That’s just my thoughts, Mr. Government man
                          Yep that was what I was goning to say.
                          They have been doing this for years. The question I have is why are they talking about it? What are they planning?
                          Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                          • #14
                            The wife has just got her new passport, it is an electronic one, all they have to do is scan it and they have all your details, it looks like everything is now going to be electronic then there is no stopping them.

                            one central database and they can link the lot together and its good by human rights
                            When ya stop having fun, Ya start getting old


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by roylittle0 View Post
                              The wife has just got her new passport, it is an electronic one, all they have to do is scan it and they have all your details, it looks like everything is now going to be electronic then there is no stopping them.

                              one central database and they can link the lot together and its good by human rights
                              Everso good those.. they can scan them from 9feet away and pick up your details...So can any bad sorts hanging about with the right equipment, but thats by the by....
                              it's in me shed, mate.

