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Surf and mudsurfing Pic's needed from everyone...

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  • #16
    my mailbox is saying they are sent, must be floating in cyberspace somewhere...

    yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


    • #17
      Originally posted by BioHazzard View Post
      These any good
      ...and you wonder why it died!
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #18
        I'll put em here, just nab them.

        Link to album and vids.

        yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


        • #19
          Use anything in here, http://s168.photobucket.com/albums/u175/nero279/ but if it's trucks other than my 2 (H-four-seven-two NRX or J-six-one-six MHC) get in touch first and i'll let you now who'se trucks they are to check with them too.
          =SOLD UP!=


          • #20
            Originally posted by BioHazzard View Post
            Thanks mate,

            They will be used I am getting a good collection together like this to work with..

            Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
            mail was sent, 2 in fact...
            mmm strange....

            Originally posted by Apache View Post
            I have millions!

            I'll give you access to my photobucket album and you can take your pick, though I particularly like these...
            Super Andy thanks,
            can u either post or PM ur photobucket name too?
            Oh yeah I need to say something else anyway..
            U got a land line I can ring for a minute? am to lazy to type lol
            Otherwise I will PM it later..

            Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
            my mailbox is saying they are sent, must be floating in cyberspace somewhere...
            well I am sure they will get there at some stage lol I have just saved them from ur next post for now..
            They look good..
            Time to get ur truck and new wheels dirty tho..
            One day at the time I guess..


            • #21
              Originally posted by nero279 View Post
              Use anything in here, http://s168.photobucket.com/albums/u175/nero279/ but if it's trucks other than my 2 (H-four-seven-two NRX or J-six-one-six MHC) get in touch first and i'll let you now who'se trucks they are to check with them too.

              will do mate thanks for that
              One day at the time I guess..


              • #22
                I don't have many shots of the 4 door, but quite a few of the 2 door, have a look through here and pic what you like...

                Too old to care, young enough to remember


                • #23
                  sent one so far, but will have a look for some more later on
                  Hold my beer and watch this


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by MudSurfer View Post
                    I don't have many shots of the 4 door, but quite a few of the 2 door, have a look through here and pic what you like...

                    hey mate..
                    I seem to need a password to see ur pic's
                    any chance u can Pm me how I can see the pic's

                    Originally posted by captain_chaos View Post
                    sent one so far, but will have a look for some more later on
                    got it.....
                    I even replied......
                    One day at the time I guess..


                    • #25
                      got it thanks mudsurfer
                      One day at the time I guess..


                      • #26
                        @ Kerrsurf

                        Hey Kerrsurf.....

                        Guess what....

                        14 hours later......

                        I got ur mails......
                        One day at the time I guess..

