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finally... (pic's now added :)........)

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  • finally... (pic's now added :)........)

    well then 2day when I was breaking the Special Edition Accord I have on my mum in laws path my better half (Debs) decided to clean the truck
    So here is me with my head in the dash of the Honda getting the ECU out and other stuff and then when I look up....

    YAY....... she took the Decal stickers off.....
    She looks so much better (the truck that is)

    So Debs my darling thanks very much it looks ace..
    (oh yeah and the hoovering and shinyness is ok too..)

    Now it is time to decide on some stickers and get Apache working...
    Last edited by TobyJug; 15 May 2008, 11:16.
    One day at the time I guess..

  • #2
    Does this mean you are getting all shiny on us

    you have to apply for the shiny club you know.!!
    When ya stop having fun, Ya start getting old


    • #3
      how did she get it off so easy was it a warm day?? can you send her round to mine as mine is a PITA to remove!!


      • #4
        Is there supposed to be picture that I can't see, or are you all using the 'Force'?


        • #5
          The Force is weak with me today, I see no pictures...

          I took the stickers off the 2 door last Sunday in the sunshine, came off really easily. Or, use a hairdryer Ross..... not that you have one...but.....
          Too old to care, young enough to remember


          • #6

            Originally posted by roylittle0 View Post
            Does this mean you are getting all shiny on us

            you have to apply for the shiny club you know.!!
            NOOOO lol I went out his morning and got her dusty again just before taking some pic's

            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
            Is there supposed to be picture that I can't see, or are you all using the 'Force'?
            Use the force.....go on I know u can do it.....
            Nah I'll post some pic's now....It was a little dark when I got in yesterday to take pic's....

            Originally posted by hiroler View Post
            how did she get it off so easy was it a warm day?? can you send her round to mine as mine is a PITA to remove!!
            Yeah the sun was rite on the stickers and with some soapy water she got them off easy enough...
            I have to say Deb's is very very patient tho

            Originally posted by MudSurfer View Post
            The Force is weak with me today, I see no pictures...
            I feel the force coming on stronger........like now in this post......

            Oh yeah and before anyone say's anything......
            The back nuberplate is in the back as I just took it off because the screws where a little rotten and it was about to fall off....
            So will put the plate back on with nice shiney screws in a minute....

            One day at the time I guess..


            • #7
              if anyone says shiny again i may have to scream till bits of dribble come out my mouth
              Non intercooled nothing.


              • #8
                Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                if anyone says shiny again i may have to scream till bits of dribble come out my mouth
                yeah I am gonna get the garden hose onto the field next to my house later just to create some mud.....

                cus I don't like people screaming......!
                One day at the time I guess..


                • #9
                  Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                  if anyone says shiny again i may have to scream till bits of dribble come out my mouth
                  just for you gra SHINY


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TobyJug View Post

                    ...and stop parking on the pavement, it's not big and it's not clever.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                      ...and stop parking on the pavement, it's not big and it's not clever.
                      I see what u mean but there is no room in front of my house....
                      And that pavement is private property from the dentist, so he lets me park there now as his patients park everywhere...
                      He is actually taking it up soon including his wall and bushes and gonna create parking all around his property... so that will solve the parking problem around here I hope as locals can use it at nite...

                      So all good...
                      One day at the time I guess..

