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Two crashes...

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  • Two crashes...

    ...nearly got sandwiched between two accidents on the way home. I came around a bend and saw the first accident. I slowed down and waited for the oncoming traffic to pass so I could continue. All the time I was watching my rear mirror- hoping nothing was going to come fast around the corner behind me. An Alfa Romeo came belting round the corner at 70 ish closely followed by motorbike (another witness said they had been racing as they overtook him seconds earlier). Needless to say both had nowhere to go and the biker crashed into the Alfa as it screeched to a halt. Luckily I saw them coming and had pulled onto the verge to give them more room to 'crash' in.

    The biker was thrown off into the verge and lay there screaming for a bit- luckily he got away with a couple of broken arms. You can see from the photo how close he came to hitting the telegraph pole.

    The Alfa driver, and probably biker as well, will get done for dangerous driving. Speeding round country lanes might be fun but it can go very wrong, very quickly. You don't know what's around the next bend. I'm just glad the biker ploughed into the back of the Alfa and not a 2.5 tonne Surf.

  • #2

    Glad you didn't become a casualty.

    yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


    • #3
      You still drive places?

      Given your luck at winning stuff, I'd have thought youd be flying these days!

      I have one of them Alfas, its a 145. Great car, but moronic to race a bike on a public road. Bound to end in tears.
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #4
        Forgot to say the first accident was caused by inappropriate speed and overtaking too. You can just see the culprit in the ditch on the first photo!. Took plod over an hour to take all the statements- now I've got to take my docs to the cop shop too- first time I've had to that for 20 years!


        • #5
          Yet if you hadn't stopped, you wouldn't have had to take your docs in? Now THAT is moronic!

          Obviously, its wrong to drive like a WRX driver on public roads, but that road DOES look very tempting... smooth tarmac, gentle sweeping bends and dips... Mmmmm.
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #6
            blomiin hurts hitting a telegraph pole. a hit one in a cavi at 70 mph years back. hit it side on, hit the middle piller next to me. climed out the car then another car came round and hit my car again. best bit bout it a had no mot, had to pay the bill myself. 50 quid for a telegraph pole, 1000 quidd for labour. was a joke


            • #7
              Well dodgy! You're lucky you have a brain and where looking in the mirror. Some peoples driving on country roads pee me off, there are other people on the road, walking, horses, cyclists, tractors, incidents, etc. If you come round a corner and can't stop if something is in the middle of the road, you're going to friggin' fast, 60 limit or not, its still dangerous driving!

              Rant over
              4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


              • #8
                Nice truck !

                I love the tyres
                If it can be broken it can be fixed


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                  Well dodgy! You're lucky you have a brain and where looking in the mirror. Some peoples driving on country roads pee me off, there are other people on the road, walking, horses, cyclists, tractors, incidents, etc. If you come round a corner and can't stop if something is in the middle of the road, you're going to friggin' fast, 60 limit or not, its still dangerous driving!

                  Rant over
                  Agreed- there's a lot of cyclists and horses (and a loads of 'fair weather' bikers) out and about now the weather is warmer and the evenings are light. People should notice these things and adjust their driving accordingly.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                    Well dodgy! You're lucky you have a brain and where looking in the mirror. Some peoples driving on country roads pee me off, there are other people on the road, walking, horses, cyclists, tractors, incidents, etc. If you come round a corner and can't stop if something is in the middle of the road, you're going to friggin' fast, 60 limit or not, its still dangerous driving!

                    Rant over
                    Defo agree wi u. Dangerous driving. I thought i was all inocent until a had ma last crash then realised a had to grow up a bit. All Crashes been ma fault, hold ma hands up to that. Until u have a bad one u dont realise who u could have killed, peeps have family so do u. Glad i realised sooner rather as later


                    • #11
                      i just had car repaired from being hit from behind...

                      1st woman not looking and managed to stop inces from bumper...
                      2nd didn't stop at all and shunted 1st into me....

                      bit of a pain having time off work to get it all fixed, but less than 2 weeks later the cars fixed, i got cash for bad back and lost earnings and Mrs slug got a bit of cash for sore neck!!

                      hehehe!... should have seen me in courtesy car!... ford KA!!!... like donkey kong karting!
                      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

