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  • clutch

    mate needs new clutch. 2.4 td LN130. let me know if anyone can help. P.S Almost getting that hot Moist feeling. Oh by t he way, out for chinese now so get ur replys wen i come back... mmmm wonder wot al have????? al ghuesses welcome byeeee

  • #2
    Originally posted by Cant Get Right View Post
    mate needs new clutch. 2.4 td LN130. let me know if anyone can help. P.S Almost getting that hot Moist feeling. Oh by t he way, out for chinese now so get ur replys wen i come back... mmmm wonder wot al have????? al ghuesses welcome byeeee

    You'll get fat eating chinese every night!

    yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


    • #3
      i know but a need answer for clutch too lol


      • #4

        Chinese has been closed by Environmental Health so you went down the road and had a Lamb Methi with pillau rice !

        Life is too important to take seriously !


        • #5
          had crispy duck rolls, sweet and sour chicken hong kong style and the all important nana friters, first time trying. were great


          • #6


            • #7
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
              been there. milner cheaper for him


              • #8
                Originally posted by Cant Get Right View Post
                been there. milner cheaper for him
                Roughtrax better quality and service IMHO
                Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                • #9
                  Originally posted by UDTrev View Post
                  Roughtrax better quality and service IMHO
                  maybe better quality but find milner better service. or nicer. always wanted to see the women other side o phone


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Cant Get Right View Post
                    maybe better quality but find milner better service. or nicer. always wanted to see the women other side o phone
                    you must be one of the luckier ones thats had good service from milners as there are a few on here that have found milners service fairly shit.
                    I have never had a problem with them myself but i only buy the filter kits from them
                    The radiators used to be shit also but whether they still are or not i don't know and the same with the wheel bearings.

                    Roughtrax i have never had a problem with and have always been able to talk to Barry for advice before buying stuff.He will never try selling you stuff you don't actually need like most places will.All the staff there know exactly what they are talking about not like milners phone staff who only put the details on a order form and thats it as you can't talk to anyone wjo knows what they are on about.

                    This is only my view and experience of both companies and i will continue to use both untill i have crap service

