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Go Karting

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  • #16
    Originally posted by stormforce View Post
    We'll see at the RTTS then won't we .You seen the sticker thread for the RTTS Mitsy
    Yes just put me order in.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mitsy View Post
      Anyone fancy this then. Thinking around October time as there is a lot going on until then. Could sort out the men from the mice. I will organize the day. Un less your all to worried about being beaten by a woman.
      Too far for me but as i am still the Current Forum Champion i have no problems with a new Person taking over.


      • #18
        Look everyone, it's Marky!

        Where you been?


        • #19
          For anyone that hasnt been - indoor karting is a MUST! Its just bl**dy fantastic. would do it in the blink of an eye - bit too far for me which is a shame!
          Even if you lose by miles you'll still love it!

          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
          Will they have ARBs? I don't want one flipping on me!
          On the track i did theres a bridge bit! I span out just before an nearly rolled the thing down the slope! Probably nothing serious! but i had a brief moment to shout "aaaaaahhh f**k"


          • #20
            a I alopolgise fr the bad spelln - ise bldrd - go for it misy an u nevr know - oh buggr i dont even knbe what ise typn anymore.

            How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


            • #21
              Originally posted by Bibs View Post
              a I alopolgise fr the bad spelln - ise bldrd - go for it misy an u nevr know - oh buggr i dont even knbe what ise typn anymore.

              Now that is funny. Wait till you wake up in the morning gal and see this.


              • #22
                It doesnt have to be in glos we can go anywere in the country to go karting and then to the pub after.


                • #23
                  there is loads of places to go karting
                  the one in chesterfield is a good one
                  but i been all over there is plenty to choise from
                  i cant go it make me ill now shakes me up like a tub of tablets
                  am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

