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3rd Gen Washer Bottle

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  • 3rd Gen Washer Bottle

    Getting some grief from the bunch of numpty's fixing the front end of the Surf after a neighbours car rolled into it. Basically they've managed to get the wrong screen wash bottle and can't be certain that the replacement that's supposed to be arriving on Thursday is correct !

    Can anybody give me the correct part number for the 3rd gen washer bottle so we can get the Surf back ?????

    Cheers !

    Life is too important to take seriously !

  • #2
    i think it's 85315-35260 or 85315-35261, but send us your model no and stuff off the vin plate and i'll confirm it. it's the KZN185W-GA??? bit i should be able to double check it from
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      Just reminded me with you posting nero. There's a new version of the EPC available, the 2007 version. (Unless the chap on here decides to appropriate the even later version for us ). Just in the final process of downloading it for the downloads site. It's available on piratebay. 19 disc version. From what I gather, there were some corrupted files in the eighteen disc version for the USA models, which is a problem this version doesn't have, apparently.


      • #4
        Originally posted by MattF View Post
        Just reminded me with you posting nero. There's a new version of the EPC available, the 2007 version. (Unless the chap on here decides to appropriate the even later version for us ). Just in the final process of downloading it for the downloads site. It's available on piratebay. 19 disc version. From what I gather, there were some corrupted files in the eighteen disc version for the USA models, which is a problem this version doesn't have, apparently.
        will download it when we upgrade our connection 25kb/s download speed is painful on stuff that size, but i guess at least we're unlimited at the moment. We're still on tesco's original broadband package 256kb/s at £17.99 a month, think we may be changing providers soon. If ii ever hear whispers of the new one i'll let you know, from what's been said on here it's microcat based so it's just the data files i think we need the program's already available, just needs patching to stop it searching for a dealers dongle.
        =SOLD UP!=


        • #5
          Originally posted by nero279 View Post
          to stop it searching for a dealers dongle.
          I will grow up one day. Honest.

          Yeah, they are a tad big ain't they. I'll be splitting the cd's to separate downloads once I have it completed here, for that very reason.


          • #6
            Originally posted by nero279 View Post
            i think it's 85315-35260 or 85315-35261, but send us your model no and stuff off the vin plate and i'll confirm it. it's the KZN185W-GA??? bit i should be able to double check it from

            Thanks for the help - can't actually get the details off the plate as the turkeys weren't working this afternoon !

            Dunno if it's the same but the VIN listed on the V5 is:


            If that's of any use - I'd have PM'd the full number but my subscription has just expired and I'm waiting on a present from HMRC so I can get a nice silver star to match the Surf !

            Life is too important to take seriously !


            • #7
              Originally posted by Predictable Bob View Post
              Dunno if it's the same but the VIN listed on the V5 is:

              no problem, mail or txt that to me [edited out] and i'll run it through the EPC and should be able to confirm it from that
              Last edited by nero279; 7 May 2008, 00:23.
              =SOLD UP!=


              • #8

                Thanks for all your work Ian !

                I've just spoken to the turkeys and the part they've ordered is nothing like either of the two numbers you came up with (How surprising is that ?)

                They're taking the numbers to their Parts Manager and we'll see where it goes from there

                My guess is that they've been getting the washer bottles for the Hilux !

                Life is too important to take seriously !

