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  • #16
    how well did it do dave? the 3rd gen that is


    • #17
      Originally posted by sledge View Post
      how well did it do dave? the 3rd gen that is
      ask a 2nd gen owner in boyo's group
      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


      • #18
        so it did well then.


        • #19
          Originally posted by sledge View Post
          so it did well then.

          Only Toyota can get you out of shite


          • #20
            Hey all, got home about half an hour ago, and took Harley straight to the park ( before even going indoors) as he seriously needed to run around.

            Well, I can't say much more than everybody else, in that it was (as usual with the Wales run) F**King AWESOME!!!

            Some scary bits, with big drops on one side, I mean like 200 foot drops!

            As said in another post, Nina ( and Mud, and Boyo) did extremely well in only two wheel drive, I dont think I'd have made it in 2wd.

            All the surfs did well, considering they were all on the go all weekend, and particulaly today, when the engines got turned on at 08.30, and got switched off.............whenever, mine ran until 11.30 this evening with only a 20 min lunch break.

            Averaged about 20 MPG whilst off road, which knocks a landy into a cocked hat!

            All in all a fantastic weekend, can't wait to see the pics
            Last edited by plumb bob; 5 May 2008, 00:09.

            Still working for the man!


            • #21
              Originally posted by joker?? View Post
              ask a 2nd gen owner in boyo's group
              Errrr - wouldn't that be ME???

              After trying and breaking my ADD?????

              3RD GENS ROCK - I WANT ONE!

              Plumb Bob - glad to see you made it home OK.
              Another member of the 'A' team


              • #22
                lovely boyo,mudsurfer,apache.my hats off to you sirs.had a great time,jordy (he was very sick on way home) poor lad.cant wait to get out there again.it was great seeing all you guys and girls again,and great to see some new faces too.see you all back there soon i hope..


                • #23
                  Originally posted by mud skipper View Post
                  has anyone made TOR aware of this run, fronteras .co.uk and pajero.co.uk get mentioned nearly every month with there little runs, we need an ambassador for the forum/marque, (apache for president/prime minister)(lovely boyo for environment minister)(mudsurfer for transport)

                  Yes - I'm doing a write up that I've already cleared with TOR - I've spoken to them a few times about this trip and others, and they are excited to see something other than green ovals and Pajeros over every page....so, can everyone who attended please send me a quote or two about the bits you liked best, and some pics, and I'll try and get a bit from everyone in the write up, and see how much makes the edit.

                  Too old to care, young enough to remember


                  • #24
                    And another one.....

                    Hats off to Plumb Bob - drove everywhere we all did, in a stock, non lifted 2.4 manual, yes, MANUAL!!!!

                    Tremendous effort Rob - mind you, you should have got your ass to Hay on Wye sooner and you would have had a lift done.....maybe next time, but top driving mate!
                    Too old to care, young enough to remember


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by MudSurfer View Post
                      And another one.....

                      Hats off to Plumb Bob - drove everywhere we all did, in a stock, non lifted 2.4 manual, yes, MANUAL!!!!

                      Tremendous effort Rob - mind you, you should have got your ass to Hay on Wye sooner and you would have had a lift done.....maybe next time, but top driving mate!

                      Hehehe, thanks mate, as I said at the pub Saturday evening, Some of those rocky sections had me tap dancing on the pedals, eat your heart out Flatly,......... riverdance.......PAH....

                      Oh, and got to give credit to those Cooper STT's, they are awesome off road, I only lost traction twice on the loose stuff, and never on those wet, slippery rocks.
                      Last edited by plumb bob; 5 May 2008, 19:44.

                      Still working for the man!

