rodleach! nice to meet ya mate and enjoy'd the chat, thanks for the chequer plate, that truck really looks the business, wheels are awesome, summat i'd love to do but cant see it happening, apart from cost the old woman would never get in unless i buy a fork lift as well, (or make three more pneumatic steps
And Mark again! what can i say, i take me hat off to ya mate, you have your hands full there, going to be two terrific looking trucks, i hope you get all the work you want mate, it's a headache working for yourself but can be rewarding and a dam sight more satisfying than working for "the man", i managed nine years before the 80's recession finished me off, well got me comp, air tank and bit's and bobs, practacly everything i'll need i think to finish my on board air system, and once the step's finished, perhaps air bags and horns
cheer's guy's and thanks

And Mark again! what can i say, i take me hat off to ya mate, you have your hands full there, going to be two terrific looking trucks, i hope you get all the work you want mate, it's a headache working for yourself but can be rewarding and a dam sight more satisfying than working for "the man", i managed nine years before the 80's recession finished me off, well got me comp, air tank and bit's and bobs, practacly everything i'll need i think to finish my on board air system, and once the step's finished, perhaps air bags and horns
